5 Ultimate Travel Biohacks

You are not the only one that fears traveling in this daunting time. I was already quite specific about my travel biohacks to beat jet lag previous to all the madness. Now however it is more important than ever to have your travel kit with you and feel as confident as you can about doing your best to keep your body safe while on the road. This is a list of products I currently will not travel without and each has their valid reason in my mind. I hope you benefit from some of these incredible products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running, and allows us to keep the content free for our readers. Thank you for supporting our mission, it means a lot.

1. Bee Keeper’s Naturals

In general, bee products are amazing for the immune system. From royal jelly, to bee pollen, to propolis the hive is one of the first places I go to when feeding my body with immune boosters. Propolis is my favorite substance to take for protection against disease. I personally love B.Immune spray by one of my all time favourite brands Bee Keepers Naturals

For my travels I love both the propolis for myself as well as my little one, the B-Smart and the honey lozenges made with Zinc, Propolis and Vitamin D they are a perfect addition to my travel kit.

2. Ion Sinus

IonBiome is one of my must haves daily these days, but they also make a product that is absolutely ideal for traveling, especially while on a plane. It is really important to keep our noses and throats moist and well hydrated when we are out and about. Personally I like the convenience of the nasal spray- Ion Sinus

I also like to continue taking my IonBiome, you can read more about it on one of our latest blog posts (Best Way to Support your Gut Health) especially if I do end up eating some food on the road. The travel bottle comes in really handy and is also small enough to take on the plane, it is included in the discount bundle.

3. PiqueTea

Photo from www.piquetea.com

I am not at all a fan of the toxic tea brands offered on aeroplanes. So I see no harm in taking some delicious tasting tea with me and just asking for hot water. I like to drink matcha as it is a very strong antioxidant and I simply love the taste. Also Pique Tea has just launched an amazing product that I am very excited about and will be using for the first time Daily Immune I am very happy about traveling with my Liposomal Vitamin C and elderberry supplement.

4. Nano sized Zeolite spray

This is a gentle zeolite binder that helps you detox any environmental pollutants you may be exposed to on your travels. Especially heavy metals, viruses and pathogens. Flying exposes us to radiation and it helps with that too. The zeolite binds to them which encourages them to exit your system. I sometimes have gift cards for this brand reach out on insta if you are interested @sannywithachanceof

5. Chloroxygen

Let’s face it when being deprived of Oxygen you can never really get enough of it in supplements. I really love hydroxygen because it stimulates our red blood cells and the chlorophyll is also oxygenating and detoxifying at the same time. An I actually really like the taste of it, it comes in both mint and natural flavour.

Stay Healthy,


The Perfect Organic Sustainable Kite

beautiful handmade sustainable kites
Kites deserve a rediscovery in our culture as a simple, yet profound tool, for getting us outdoors and lifting spirits.-Little Cloud Kites

Flying a sustainable kite is such a magical experience. It is no coincidence when you fly one that all the children gather around eagerly and want to take a turn. As do the adults. The wondrous act of launching a kite into the sky and watching it soar above you. It is mesmorizing and in a way it can be a beautiful meditative process also for us adults. We love Little Cloud Kites!

I remember when I was a kid and we used to go to the hill to fly the kite. It was not very often, but every time we went felt like a “special day”. Walking with that purpose, hoping for wind, searching for the area without trees. Rigging the kite was always exciting, since it was such a seldom experience, every time there was those couple of steps where you weren’t sure how to do it, and it is certainly simple; I guess being excited makes you want to do things faster.

Well, we have re-created that moment, that emotion with our new “KITE”; Atlantis, our son was always curious about kites when we saw them from the playground, and now he is enjoying his a lot.

Mum normally raises the kite and Atlantis takes over and flies it for a while; we ask for wishes, since the kite is closer to the sky and takes messages from us back to the main land.

If I am lucky, I get a turn to fly the kite too, since every time we fly it, there are children gathering around to chase its shadow or eagerly stand in line to take a turn holding the spool. It provokes many smiles, fun, joy and happiness, and it is only a kite!!

It is amazing that although the construction is quite simple this kite flies batter than any I have flown. Simple yet it soars higher than any other and it looks phenomenal when flying.

This one, we explain, is made consciously; the wood used comes from a man who provides FCS certified wood and carves the different parts with his own hands; the fabric comes from India and it has been hand painted in Canada; the line is hemp, once again grown sustainably. It is the only kite we have ever found to be truly ethical and sustainable. It even has a lifetime warranty and it is exactly that a beautifully handcrafted Kite that will be and stay in your family for generations to come. All it needs is some tender loving care and some healthy flights to keep it going!

Now, once you grab the handle you connect with nature, it is magical how the kite makes you feel the wind gusts, makes you realise when it is comfortable up there, and when it needs and extra push or wants to turn a little. When you look at it, you automatically come here and now, such a simple beautiful way to look up and admire how beautiful the blue sky is and the clouds, you see butterflies and dragonflies passing by, the experience is phenomenal. There is nothing quite like it and you are out in the fresh air catching a breeze on your face.

So we really want to urge you to support this small business and its exceptional organic sustainable kites. It is an investment you will make for you and your family to spend time in nature doing something everyone loves for generations to come.

With love,

Eco Couple

Chill n Feel- Super Soft Pima Cotton Baby Clothes and Handmade Toys

Absolutely love everything about ChillnFeel

This brand deserves its very own page on our blog. Not only because we absolutely love all their products, and they make some of the very best Sustainable baby clothes we ever found but also because we have been collaborating with them right from the start. We are proud ambassadors of this brand, and always will be.

Their beautiful clothes are made from Pima Cotton, which is a breathable fabric extremely good for sensitive skin, and other skin conditions. It keeps you warm in the winter and stays cool in the summer. We first learned about this fabric from Chill n Feel and absolutely love it.

Martina, the owner of Chill n Feel and I have become friends, and although we have not physically met, we have accompanied each other over the last few years. I want to reiterate that Pima cotton, which is one of the main fabrics they use, I am obsessed with…. it wears so well with time too. I have been trying to convince her do do a mama version because I am kind of jealous of Atlantis and his über adorable comfy pyjamas!

Gonzalo the monkey, pictured here, has traveled the world with us and he still looks as great as the first day we got him. We also are accompanied by the pirate and Octopus, they kind of belong to the family. These handmade toys are made with love in Peru and are truly the product of detailed and precise craftsmanship.

Another amazing benefit of ChillnFeel is that the baby clothes are made in a way that the little ones can grow into it. With an adorable detail on the fold on the bottom of the pants. All the time keeping mamas happy and confident about purchasing these products.

Atlantis is now fully potty trained and still insist on wearing them today…. to my surprise he looked at me when pulling his pants up and said ¨Mummy, I love these pants!¨That to me really just says it all. Thank you for being a part of our family and growing with us Chill n Feel.

We look forward to seeing YOU too enjoy your little ones in ChillnFeel.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

P.S If you are looking for some fun toys to keep your toddlers occupied while in their comfy pima cotton pyjamas take a look at ¨5 Amazing Eco-Friendly Toys¨

5 Ways to Start living more sustainably by Greening your Home and Kitchen

Thank you for your interest in living more sustainably. The very first thing I believe we should ALL do, is invest in some type of water filter, be it an under the sink filter or on the counter, whatever you are most drawn to and is in your budget. Not buying plastic bottles of water already reduces a huge amount of waste in each family. If you would like to know which filter we like to use read our blogpost ¨Our Favourite Water Filter¨

This is a quick guide for some simple changes you can make in your every day life that can be truly beneficial for our planet. It is as simple as switching out your plastic scrub brush for this beautiful brush made from bamboo, and coconut, 100% biodegradable.

The more we learn about plastic pollution the more sense it makes to replace our plastic items for sustainable versions. There are very simple steps we can take towards creating less harmful waste and you really do feel better about yourself when you notice how much less trash you are adding to the plastic pollution. Here are a few helpful tips and brands we discovered and wanted to share.


Living more sustainably with stainless steel lunch boxes made in india
Mandala Lunch Box

Lunch Boxes are imperative in our lives right now, having a toddler means you have to be ready with a meal on hand at all times. Well I did not want to use plastic and glass seemed a little dangerous while on the road. We came across the perfect solution, stainless steel. Sustainable safe lunch boxes for on the go. Look how practical and convenient these beautiful lunch boxes or should I say circles are. I absolutely love them. There are so many more amazing plates and sets I look forward to purchasing and sharing with you soon.

I have already been asked about my storages boxes twice by random strangers… they really are quite special, and this particular one has a beautiful mandala printed on the top.

El Cove

El Cove starter pack bottles and refill caps

It is so wonderful to see all the innovative ideas that are coming to fruition these days. This household cleaning brand makes trying them ultra easy. They have an awesome Starter Kit.

What is smart about this system is that you receive several bottles and then you basically just refill these with refill caps. This naturally saves a lot of plastic, as well as minimising the carbon footprint of shipping just the little caps as opposed to full bottles of liquid. You add your own water to the product with one of the caps when you are ready to use it. El Cove was co-founded by 17 year old Stacia and she is on a mission to be a part of the refill revolution and we absolutely support her cause.

Thank you for being so inspiring, Stacia, and bringing this project to life.

Eco Kitchen

Bamboo and coconut Kitchen Srub brush and biodegradable loofah sponge.

We are thrilled to come across this brand right before it launched. If you are looking for a more eco conscious way to live in your kitchen, this starter kit gives you a nice nudge in the right direction. It includes a bamboo scrub brush and a loofah sponge.

Both are biodegradable which means you can compost the brush and sponge when you are done with them. I look forward to testing that out in my bokashi, see our ¨Gardening Post¨! It also includes some BPA free lids that you can literally use over any pot or bowl or even put right over half a fruit or round vegetable. And lastly it has a beautiful mesh shopping bag to inspire to leave the paper, or even worse plastic bags, at the register.

We truly wish you the best in this beautiful community you have entered and look forward to supporting you along the way. Thank you for creating products that aid us in living more sustainably.

Clean Cult

Clean Cult dish soap in a recyclable container

This is so simple and so rewarding, we purchased a glass bottle for our dish soap a while back. I purchase these very cool and sustainable refills by Clean Cult that come in carton packaging. I really love the lemongrass smell but have yet to try the others.

I get to recycle the bottle and it makes me feel so much better about my purchase than just buying another plastic bottle (with nowhere to go) full of soap! Join the #refillrevolution and let’s put and end to plastic.

Tru Earth

Not only does Tru Earth make a great laundry detergent, but it comes in strips in a tiny cardboard envelope. It is completely zero waste and eco-friendly. Honestly it does not get more sustainable than that, even their carbon footprint with shipping is minimal. This is one of the eco swaps I am most proud about in our home.

Nowadays you can even buy biodegradable sponges to do your dishes. Another really easy switch is your plastic toothbrush. If you look around your house you will find that most of your disposable plastic items can be replaced, when they are no longer of use of course, with something eco-friendly, ethically made and sustainable. Every time you spend money towards anything you are casting a vote: Vote for a better world.

It all makes a difference it all makes an impact.

Thank you for showing interest in our eco friendly blog, we are on a mission to leave a better earth behind for our children, if you read this YOU are too….. THANK YOU! We look forward to meeting you along the way. We would also love to hear about some of the eco-friendly options you have come to discover and love.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

Awesome Eco-Friendly Acupressure Mat by Spoonk

Accupresse Mat by Spoonk

Years ago…I met someone that changed my life… he worked with Marma Therapy and an accupressure mat, I had just had a horrible accident and was having difficulty healing my torn hamstring. I was explained that I needed to get the blood flowing in that area….and voila.. I was introduced to my first acupressure mat. I used it to put pressure on the area and get the circulation moving. I then discovered how wonderful I felt by simply walking on it every morning for a few minutes. I remember distinctly breaking out in a a sweat the first time I walked for about three minutes…I felt activated and alive my injury healed very soon after.

Years later on my trip to Maui, we had rented a house from a friend of ours, she had the Spoonk mat, I remembered my old mat that I eventually lost on my travels. When looking into the company I found that this was the new and improved version….made from hemp and ABS plastic….

Photo from Spoonkspace

this was right up my alley. I had to contact with the company right away. Well what can I say…we hit it off!!! Not only do they have mat in all sizes….they also carry A magnetic roller that just feels amazing when you roll it down your back! Use it before yoga or before throwing on a pair of heels!

Acupressure mat
Picture from SpoonkSpace
I have recently started using it also for better sleep by lying on it before going to bed...which is imperative at this point of my life...being a new mother and all. What I most love is what I mentioned earlier...to lightly tread on the Mat first thing in the morning. I can feel it activating every part of me.  When you first start out you may want to wear light socks. 

Update: I have been using the mat for over a year now, and honestly I love it so much, even if I feel a headache coming on, I roll it up and place it under my neck, and the headache just goes away! I truly recommend this product!

Get yours here SPOONKSPACE and use code ECOCOUPLE for a discount …….. and they ship WORLDWIDE!

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running, helps us pay our growing core team and allows us to keep the content free for readers and keeps us on our mission to inspire conscious consumerism.


Organic almond Oil: 7 Health Benefits and Uses for your Body Care

Organic almond Oil: 7 Health Benefits and Uses for your Body Care 🇬🇧

Hello everybody, today I am very excited to present this guest blog post by Attitude Organic, a sustainable lifestyle platform. Thanks to this post, I will share with you some of their advice in terms of natural beauty, in particular about a healthful essential oil.

If you are interested to discover the properties and the benefits of some essential oils, Attitude Organic has already discussed them in a previous post called Must Have Essential Oils. However, this article is focuses on the seven almond essential oil benefits for your health. The almond oil is emollient, moisturizing, soothing and elasticizing and it can be used as a multipurpose, non-toxic beauty treatment. Organic Almond Oil

Almonds are the edible seeds of the Prunus dulcis tree, more commonly known as the almond tree. They are very rich in fat, making them a perfect source of oil. There are two kind of almonds: sweet and bitter almonds. The first ones are the variety typically eaten and used to make foods, oils and cosmetics. The bitter almonds instead can have fatal consequences if ingested. Meanwhile, bitter almonds are believed to have

medicinal properties, they contain a glycoside called amygdalin which turns into toxic hydrocyanic acid during processing. Sweet Almond oil uses for hair and skin

The sweet almond oil comes exclusively from edible almonds that are selectively cultivated for their sweet taste. This oil is popularly used for skin and hair care. Several brands sell the organic Almond Oil. I personally use the one from Miaroma, but they are all very similar. The most important thing is that you buy a 100% pure one.

Let’s see the seven different ways of using almond oil to enhance our health and beauty. 7 Almond essential oil benefits

1. To moisturize your hands

The Organic almond oil is a good moisturizer for our hands. Hands are parts of our body that are exposed to bad weather conditions. Furthermore, the detergents that we usually use for the care of the house make them even more irritated and chapped. As a remedy, every night before going to sleep we should massage our hands with almond oil. It helps to prevent blemishes and skin aging.

2. To make a Homemade Scrub

Second, if you are looking for a good home-made and cheap scrub, almond oil is one of the ingredients you need to make it. In particular, you need to mix four tablespoons of organic almond oil with two tablespoons of brown sugar. This scrub is suitable for both face and body and you should use it on wet skin once or twice a week!

3. As make-up remover

In my opinion, oils are one of the best choices to remove make-up! massage it straight onto dry skin and it will lift away all make up. Gentle enough to remove eye makeup also, even waterproof mascara slides off easily with a gentle massage of organic almond oil. Furthermore, if you apply a very small amount of it to eyelashes (use a cotton tip) and eyebrows nightly, this will nourish, strengthen, and help them to grow. If you have oily or tend to have acne skin, I suggest you the use of oils every once in a while.

4. To protect your hair

In addition, almond oil is also excellent for hair care. In particular, during the summer it is recommended to use it on the lengths to protect your hair from the sun’s rays. Apply it to slightly damp hair, insisting on lengths and ends.

5. To make your skin soft

It is now clear to everyone that almond oil makes our skin very soft. But which one is the right way to apply it on your whole body?

When you take a shower after rinsing, use a dime-sized portion of organic almond oil into your palm, then massage it well on your still wet skin. At this point, rinse it quickly and then dry gently your skin.

Following these short steps, you can use almond oil on your body, but without having that uncomfortable sticky effect.

6. To Relieve Eczema & Psoriasis

As already said, the organic almond oil is emollient. It has anti-inflammatory properties so it is good for helping calm eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and extremely dry skin conditions

7. To prevent and reduce stretch marks

Among the almond essential oil benefits, a study shows that it is one of the most effective natural remedy in controlling stretch marks. The results are very prominent in women who were regular in applying almond oil during pregnancy.

Have you ever used organic almond oil? How do you use it? Do you prefer moisturizing oils or creams?

This article is written by Sabrina from the team of Attitude Organic. It is a sustainable lifestyle platform which aims to help you to adopt a more sustainable Attitude and lifestyle in the easiest possible way. Marine, the founder of Attitude Organic, and her team give to their readers precious tips about healthy food, natural beauty, sustainable fashion and yoga. If you liked this article and you are interested to know more about Attitude Organic, visit their blog.

Thank you Attitude Organic for this super helpful article!

Eco Couple’s favourite Almond oil is by Naissance oil, organic and cold pressed. If you are interested in other oils for your face take a look at our Beauty post on ¨Conscious beauty brands¨

Thank you for reading … if you would like to share one of your articles on our blog feel free to contact us EcoCouple

Socks, Socks, Socks…Where is the second one?

If you are like us you are in constant search for the second sock! With babies, especially when they are learning how to crawl and walk, this can be a challenge.

We came across a brand that made that a little easier for us AIDIE LONDON, not only are they super cute they are also “Award-Winning Baby Booties. Designed by specialists in Child Psychology.” according to their website.

Lined with Organic Cotton, they are soft and cozy, keep your babies feet warm and allow for sensory stimulation to the soles of your babies feet….which when they are learning how to walk is especially important.

What we like most is the little buttons that keep the booties on your babies feet, even if they do try and pull them off, they stay on. In addition they get to grow in to them as they are adjustable, which at their growth rate is very convenient to get to use them a little while longer.

We can finally be done with lost socks! EcoCouple definitely approves of these booties!

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Eco Couple uses affiliate links. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running, helps us pay our growing core team and allows us to keep the content free for readers and keeps us on our mission to inspire conscious consumerism.

Conscious Traveler- Destination Tarifa


The greatest thing about Tarifa is its wilderness, it is surrounded by rolling hills and stretches of beaches beyond the eye can see. It is the idealic paradise for any wind related activity. Nature in raw form leaving you time and time again with your jaw slightly dropped as you stare out into the Mediterranean or Atlantic (depending what beach you’re r on).

As I have lived in LA for the last two decades (very spoiled) I seem to be on the constant search for organic and sustainable products while traveling. I believe it is absolutely imperative that we all stand together with where we spend our money.

In lieu of this I have found my favourite places to shop and be fashionable in the most amazing places in the world. This story starts in tarifa….

I came across a fabulous ultra chic and sexy sustainable line. I got to wear one of her fabulous outfits for the Cannes film festival this year. Maria Malo, her line is produced sustainably in Bali.

For a discount please enter code SANNYFRIENDS

She also has an organic bamboo yoga line that I absolutely love too.

Maria lives and breathes what she and her company stand for. On instagram @mariamaloline


Another brand that I had the pleasure of coming across is @emebeme

They produce everything in Portugal and are also organic and consciously aware of every step of their production process.

My boyfriend and I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with Marina, the founder and CEO of Emebeme.  Here are some of our favourites

…. you can also find us on Instagram @ecocouple

This is the store front…. I’m wearing the super cute t-shirt jumpsuit 🙂

If you drop into either of these stores while in Tarifa please say hello from me.

Happy sustainable shopping xoxo