5 Ultimate Travel Biohacks

You are not the only one that fears traveling in this daunting time. I was already quite specific about my travel biohacks to beat jet lag previous to all the madness. Now however it is more important than ever to have your travel kit with you and feel as confident as you can about doing your best to keep your body safe while on the road. This is a list of products I currently will not travel without and each has their valid reason in my mind. I hope you benefit from some of these incredible products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running, and allows us to keep the content free for our readers. Thank you for supporting our mission, it means a lot.

1. Bee Keeper’s Naturals

In general, bee products are amazing for the immune system. From royal jelly, to bee pollen, to propolis the hive is one of the first places I go to when feeding my body with immune boosters. Propolis is my favorite substance to take for protection against disease. I personally love B.Immune spray by one of my all time favourite brands Bee Keepers Naturals

For my travels I love both the propolis for myself as well as my little one, the B-Smart and the honey lozenges made with Zinc, Propolis and Vitamin D they are a perfect addition to my travel kit.

2. Ion Sinus

IonBiome is one of my must haves daily these days, but they also make a product that is absolutely ideal for traveling, especially while on a plane. It is really important to keep our noses and throats moist and well hydrated when we are out and about. Personally I like the convenience of the nasal spray- Ion Sinus

I also like to continue taking my IonBiome, you can read more about it on one of our latest blog posts (Best Way to Support your Gut Health) especially if I do end up eating some food on the road. The travel bottle comes in really handy and is also small enough to take on the plane, it is included in the discount bundle.

3. PiqueTea

Photo from www.piquetea.com

I am not at all a fan of the toxic tea brands offered on aeroplanes. So I see no harm in taking some delicious tasting tea with me and just asking for hot water. I like to drink matcha as it is a very strong antioxidant and I simply love the taste. Also Pique Tea has just launched an amazing product that I am very excited about and will be using for the first time Daily Immune I am very happy about traveling with my Liposomal Vitamin C and elderberry supplement.

4. Nano sized Zeolite spray

This is a gentle zeolite binder that helps you detox any environmental pollutants you may be exposed to on your travels. Especially heavy metals, viruses and pathogens. Flying exposes us to radiation and it helps with that too. The zeolite binds to them which encourages them to exit your system. I sometimes have gift cards for this brand reach out on insta if you are interested @sannywithachanceof

5. Chloroxygen

Let’s face it when being deprived of Oxygen you can never really get enough of it in supplements. I really love hydroxygen because it stimulates our red blood cells and the chlorophyll is also oxygenating and detoxifying at the same time. An I actually really like the taste of it, it comes in both mint and natural flavour.

Stay Healthy,


Best sustainable brands of summer 2020

I had so much fun discovering these fun, eco-friendly, super fashionable sustainable brands of summer 2020. We are so impressed with how many brands are making eco-friendly, sustainable choices in their businesses. We thank you so much for making these amazing products and sharing them with the world. Always keeping our environment in mind.

For the Dreamers

wearing a bikini made from recycled fishing nets one of my top sustainable brands of summer 2020
¨FOR THE DREAMERS is proud to be a brand built from the ground up with sustainability at its heart. Our swimwear is made from regenerated nylon fiber from fishnets and other nylon waste found in the sea. Not only does this eco-friendly swimwear help reduce waste and landfill, but it also helps save the lives of animals we share the oceans with.¨

It is such a pleasure for us to share these very special brands that we have come across after many hours of research and truly finding companies that are aligned with our values as well as being, trendy fashionable and for me (one of the most important features) comfortable! This particular swimsuit brand For the Dreamers is the most luxurious bikini I have ever owned, it is so soft and silky yet sturdy enough for me to go surfing in it. I am obsessed, and it is reversible which I love even more. Honestly I have my eye on the on a few more from this brand because I am so impressed with the fabrics and not to mention the super classy packaging. I feel like I am wearing sexy lingerie but really its a bikini!

This is all the same bikini worn different ways and I still have not even gotten around to trying the different ways of wearing the straps. We truly hope you get to experience the luxury of owning one of these suits and at the same time feel good about purchasing from a brand that is fully sustainable and eco-friendly.

Maria Malo

Wearing an organic red dress by www.mariamalo.com

I have been a huge fan of this brand for years now, and I am not going to lie my wardrobe is probably about 30% Maria Malo, not only because I love the fabrics, designs and comfort of her timeless pieces, but also because I love the woman behind this brand and everything she stands for. Just like her collections, she is a woman with passions, sensibilities, embracing life fully and along with that she really can outfit you for any occasion. Weddings, beach parties, the Cannes film festival or simply an epic surf session, she has it all. Her love for nature and the ocean reflects in her brand and that is one of the many reasons why I love her. If you are ever in Bali go check out her amazing new flagship store.

I have not traveled to a beach without these shorts since I discovered them (I need more 🙂
Dress by Maria Malo and stroller made from recycled bottles Bumble Ride for more on the stroller see HERE

Swell Vision

Light weight, classy and sustainably made with bamboo, you can barely feel you are even wearing glasses. They are polarized and look just as good on him than they do on her, if I may say so myself 🙂 What we most love about this brand is their dedication to our future generations, Swell Vision is a sponsor for the Green School in Bali, supporting our future green change-makers. So we highly recommend them for their products as well as their support to our green community.

With each product sold we are working together to leave this place better than we found it, by creating and promoting a sustainable consumer culture. Thank you for standing with Swell and voting with your dollar to make a positive impact on the future of our planet. – Swell Vision

We recommend people to wear polarized sunglasses because they protect the eyes from U/V Rays. So next time you are shopping for glasses find the sustainable way and feel good about what you paid.

Mirame Swim

Mirame is a direct translation from Spanish.  It is a command statement that means “Look at Me.”  Melinda chose this name because it is confident, powerful, and sexy.  When a woman walks down the beach wearing a Mirame suit, people won’t be able to help but look.

We discovered Mirame Swim very recently but they have already earned a place in our hearts. The collection is super original and she also uses fabrics that she rescues from ending up in a landfill. I spend so much time in the sun that I really like a little coverage, especially if I am at the beach in the middle of the day.

I love the feel of this piece and I have to be honest, every single time I have worn it someone on the beach asks me where I got it! Which we love, because that leads us into the conversation of supporting brands such as these. What is really great about these suits, is that you can also throw on a cute skirt or shorts and you are ready for a fancy dinner! Especially with some of her very fancy swim tops, check her site to see what we are talking about.

So wether you are sipping on a glass of white wine at the cote d´azure or jumping in the ocean for a quick session, Mirame has the right suit for you!


Solo eyewear is also on our list, with amazing polarized lenses that make the world look a whole lot nicer when you look through them. They work with repurposed wood, repurposed bamboo and Cellulose Acetate (Cellulose acetate is an eco-friendly material made from cellulose obtained from wood produced in sustainably managed forests . After disposal, it returns to nature through the activity of water and microorganisms.)

At SOLO Eyewear, we create environmentally responsible sunglasses that restore vision for people in need. We strongly believe in living a life of adventure and inspiring individuals to change the world – Solo eyewear

So as you can see they are not only doing the right thing but they are giving back to the world, helping people in need. Can you imagine a world where we all did that? We can make that happen by supporting these amazing brands that are truly making a difference, and casting our vote where we spend our money.

I really want to remind people how important each and every one of our actions is, and the impact it has. We have been researching the sustainable world for almost a decade now and it is so wonderful to see all these amazing brands, and the people behind them, supporting each other and the mission to give back to our earth! Thank you!!!! For if you are reading this you are a part of my soul family… thank you for taking the time to research for the better option.

Solo has also developed a pair of glasses that protects your eyes from blue rays, with a clip on sunglasses part. They have also shared with us a secret new product and we very much look forward to sharing it with you as soon as they are ready!

Barzee Swim

These beautiful beach towels speak for themselves. The story behind why Barzee was created is also really touching, thank you for sharing your story with us Barzee.

I am a mom and going to the beach with a toddler can be a bit of a mission. I was not aware that there were towels in the world, that dried quickly, don’t collect sand and are light to carry. Sound like a dream come true? These towels really do all that, and aesthetically they are absolutely beautiful. You can use them at the beach, by the pool or even as cozy blanket when the sun starts setting.

Atlantis new favourite sentence is ¨Breast in towel Mommy¨ that means he wants to be wrapped up in the Barzee and breastfeed on the beach! So I guess my Barzee was just stolen from me. I am alright with that, we will be sure to get a few more so we don’t have to fight about them. Not only is the story of Barzee a beautiful one but 15% of ALL profits go to providing clean drinking water and restoring eyesight in developing countries.

After using these towels for the last few weeks and learning more about the mission of this brand we 100% approve and recommend you try a Barzee towel.

Here at Barzee, in Nicholas’ memory,  we are committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of the less fortunate. After careful consideration, we have partnered with several highly rated, accountable and transparent charities with proven records in developing countries.- Barzee


Wool and Prince and Wool and

These photos are not retouched! I know I know the water is a really nice color, but seriously how about the T-shirt! Iñaki absolutely loves it, he is even teaching yoga in it! This brand was a really fun find for us, as you can imagine living on an island you really don’t think about wearing merino wool.

To our surprise Merino wool is actually great, its quick drying, temperature regulating, breathable and odor resistant. So to top it off you don’t have to wash it that much, an all in all super find for our capsule wardrobes. It feels super soft to the touch and has a certain weight in it which I really like in a t-shirt. I have been looking for the right black tank top, the one you can wear to any occasion. This one is extra convenient because you can wear it back to front and change the neck line. They also carry it in off white and I think that is a good place to start using less clothing.

So I have to say the pockets are the best part of this dress but I am also excited to take it with me to colder climates. I could see myself in Berlin on a winter day in tights, a scarf and a big oversized jacket slurping on a hot chocolate too! We are really grateful about the merino wool discovery and are already looking for Atlantis to get onboard the island wool crew! Less washing, less resources, and better options.

Somebody said to me today ¨I am buying all these products and I feel really good about my purchases- Thank you!¨that made my day because that is our mission here at @ecocouple to make people feel good about when they do need to purchase something and to raise awareness about how things are made, how, and where it goes when we are done with it. We also always encourage second hand purchases, and swapping with friends.

A small way we can really help all these brands is by following them, each other, on social media channels, liking and commenting on their products, sharing it with friends. This way we will always expand our eco conscious family a little more. If you liked this post you also may really love ¨Support sustainable brands on Hawaii¨

Thank you for reading.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

Our favorite Eco friendly Stroller

Traveling with a baby is no joke! Most parents know exactly what I am talking about. However you buy your first stroller before you have had these experiences….and then learn about all the annoying non useful things about it when you already own it! Instead of focusing on the strollers we didn’t like we want to focus on our very favourite stroller on the market: The Bumbleride

Anyhow so here we are as a family traveling through airports, on trains and automobiles…. Curving through cold city streets in snowy white Hamburg, to strolling the beaches of Tarifa in the south of Spain or simply taking a walk through Los Angeles…. what do we need to look out for when purchasing a stroller before we can even think about how green it is?

Is it versatile? Does it have small or big wheels? Does it fold up easily? How heavy is it? Is it comfortable for the little one to take his naps in? Will it work when he is a little older? Can I go for a run with it? Does it have storage space? This strollers has all these features as well as being able to get a car seat adapter and drinks holder if you so please.

You never really think about that if you spend some time in a city with cobble streets, your baby might wake up ten times when you try to put him down for a nap… Or you may want to take a stroll on the beach spontaneously and not get stuck in the sand. Or you may want to go to a music festival and take your little one with you! If you are an adventurer and like to be spontaneous all of these factors are important. So we made it a mission to find the most versatile, eco-friendly stroller on the market. It has plenty of storage, a front lock wheel and big tires with great suspension (our first stroller had zero suspension) which means you can take a sleeping baby anywhere! This is a huge plus for us, especially while Iñaki is out searching for the perfect wave.

What we love most, is not only that Bumbleride has created the perfect stroller for us and our adventures, but most importantly they have done it keeping our planet in mind….and that is why we consider the Bumbleride the best stroller on the market today and are absolutely exstatic to be collaborating with them.

Quote from www.bumbleride.com website
A stroller made from recycled milk bottles

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running, helps us pay our growing core team and allows us to keep the content free for readers and keeps us on our mission to inspire conscious consumerism.

Conscious Traveler: Maui, Hawaii 🇺🇸


We have been blessed with the opportunity to have traveled to Maui, Hawaii for almost two months. Iñaki was competing in a windsurfing contest, The Aloha Classic (IWT), a life long dream, and I was blessed to enjoy motherhood and continue researching eco conscious brands. Upon arrival we came across a wonderful photographer…that took some of the pictures in this article….who not only did the shoot with us but also recommended some of the amazing brands we ended up collaborating with. Thank you Chelsea! If you are headed for Maui it is definitely worth it to capture this stunning place with some beautiful photographic memories.

Maui was especially fun as we not only came across really inspiring brands but also made friends for life. Our first stop was Mana foods, of course  we had to stock up for our adventures. Surprisingly the prices are quite similar to Los Angeles. Mana foods is also the place you can be quite entertained simply standing in front of the store, you may be serenaded by a harp or find yourself philosophising about God and the world, you know what I mean if you have been there. This is where we found our water source now we just needed to find the right container.

We were so very blessed to meet Kayden, of Blue Bottle Love, we were taken into her humble abode. Surrounded by beams of sunlight filtered by the cobalt  blue bottles ….making her home and workspace even more magical. Our meeting turned into a 5 hour extravaganza, including everything from Meditation to the whole story of how Blue Bottle Love came about.

From that day on… at least one blue bottle (1 gallon:-) made it with us wherever we would go. The water tasted clean, conscious and simply delicious.

Blue Bottle Love photo by Chelsea Heller Photography

Iñaki was windsurfing every day and getting ready for the competition, now the sun is strong in Maui so it was imperative we found the right sunscreen, that was reef safe to keep us all protected while making sure we were not harming our environment. That is when we came across Raw Love Sunscreen Jenna also received us in her home and explained to us about all the harmful ingredients sunscreens use and how they damage the reefs and coral.  We were so excited about this knowledge that we decided to speak to the people of IWT (International Windsurfing Tour) and got Raw Love Sunscreen to become a sponsor for the event, thereby educating and keeping us and the nature around us safe.

We also came across a very innovative brand located right in Paia. Ellemer we wrote a separate article on them check it out for a discount code.

One of the brands we were very happy to find was was Green Toy. You can purchase them at the organic food market ¨Down to Earth” – really close to the airport and Kanaha beach. Being on Maui and having fun toys for the beach is imperative and these ones are made from recycled milk bottles, how cool is that, so we had to get in touch with the brand and test them out. Atlantis, our son, loves them, they are perfect for the beach and the bath tub. The boat even turns into a watering can.

Chelsea suggested so many other local brands that are fully green-eco; on an Island you especially realise how important it is to consume less and make wiser choices. All and all we are so happy to have had the chance to experience Maui and visit its gems like Lumeria (best home made veggie burger I have ever tried), or the lavender fields, the local farmers market, also if you invest in a fruit picker and have a good eye you can eat fruit right from the trees, a must try the local banana bread on the road to Hana (We recommend you download a guide before heading out in the very early hours of the morning, as you will lose reception and there are many magical stops to make), taste the orange passion fruits and the delicious papayas, there is also a local Kombucha brewery in Haiku…but be warned too much kombucha and you might get a booch high as they like to call it (don’t drink and drive)……. Last but not least our favorite restaurants by far…. Nuka sushi in Haiku…. Go for the elaborate rolls…. And for a delicious organic pizza…. Flatbread company in Paia is the place to go!

Lastly we came across a really special store and brand, in Lahaina, they have the most beautiful swimsuits made of recycled ghost nets….. They are very original in their designs and I absolutely love mine!!!!! Kelley Chapman the owner of Manakai is a true eco goddess and lives and breathes a sustainable lifestyle…. Please check out her blog and amazing projects! 💕

One really great insider tip: at the Kuau store, if you wait to the end of the day, you can get their Ahi Poke for half price, and it is DELICIOUS!! If you have been to Maui you know it isn’t cheap to eat…. So that is a good one…. Speaking of savings… It is absolutely worth it to get a costco card…. The gasoline is waaay cheaper and they have lots of delicious organic food in bulk!

One more thing, don’t miss the sunsets on the south side of the island, or the sunrises for that matter, thousand peaks for example. So many things pop into my mind… Try the Açai at Choice, and the Fish tacos at the Fish Market….. It is a place to revisit for sure!

Thousand peaks is also a great spot to go surfing for anyone…. From beginner to advanced, there is a peak for everyone…. Hence the name.

As for the windsurfing spots…. This island is a playground for all levels… . For the more advanced windsurfer you can pretty much find conditions at ho’okipa every other day… And for the not so skilled, kanaha works pretty much every day! Both places are about thirty minutes apart.

If you are visiting maui with children we highly recommend the Maui Ocean Centre…. The tunnel is an experience to remember, especially for the little ones, and they have a lot of amazing info on helping and preserving marine life.

To finish this article we wanted to share an experience we had: During the IWT Windsurfing Competition, we participated in an ocean clean up: in Ho’okipa this can be tricky: We were only a few people and it was about to be cancelled due to the big swell that was hitting the spot. Both Boujma and me (Sanny) decided to do it anyway, and in the end most of the people decided to get wet and join us. We ended up collecting about 60 masts, and some booms, fins….. the point is if you are enjoying the island, leave it cleaner than you found it so that future generations can enjoy it as much as we did.

For extra exclusive Maui tips….. feel free to write to us anytime at sustainablecouplegoals@gmail.com we may hand out a phone number or two!

Thank you for stopping by our blog…..and feel free to leave comments and help us grow!

Follow us on Instagram @ecocouple

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running, helps us pay our growing core team and allows us to keep the content free for readers

“So leb ich” in Bad Kissingen 🇩🇪

Bad kissingen, in the South of Germany is by far one of my most favorite places in the world, recently we were pleasantly surprised by this lovely new store that had justopened up . Not only do they sell amazing sustainable products for our little one but I also get to have my organic coffee and delicious organic cakes.

We have yet again been introduced to many new and amazing companies that are proving that eco-friendly products are the way of the future.

When meeting the owners of the store we were so impressed with their passion project and how they made it a reality…. “I woke up one day and realised I wanted to do something that aligned with what I believe in” so they made this beautiful store named “So leb ich” which pretty much says it all in the name 💕 (This is how I live)

There is a beautiful little play corner for the little ones and as you can see Atlantis was over the moon…. We had to take the truck home with us. They support the local artisans as well as amazing international companies with a fair trade philosophy.

We absolutely love this place and look forward to watching it flourish. Congrats and Goodluck with your endeavor…. We are very happy customers.

Thank you for doing what you do!

Ethical Fashionweek in Berlin


It was the first Ethical fashion Show held at Funkhaus Berlin. We had to take a sneak peak at all the wonderfully innovative up and coming sustainable designers. The location was amazing. Funkhaus really emanates the true spirit of Berlin and its sustainable trends.

The first day we arrived Green Showroom we were really excited to go to Safia Minney’s book presentation “Slave to Fashion” 💕 Safia’s book reinforces the truth of what is happening in the production chain of fashion. And we highly recommend it if you are interested in learning more about the ethical fashion industry.


Safia is currently the director for Po-Zu and founder of Tree People. I was lucky enough to check out the new Star Wars collection.

Photo with Safia and Po-Zu

We decided to head to the Mercedes fashion Week on wooden bicycles by Coco-Mat.

See video on twitter

Philomena Zanetti and I have a fun story, we met because I was desperately waiting for the Postal service to deliver a dress for an event. The morning of the event nothing arrived. I was introduced to Julia and within a few hours I was all ready to go to my event. I loved wearing her on several occassions. Here I am talking to Barbara Meier who not only is a friend but is now also an Abassador for fair trade textiles in Germany. So I hope we will possibly collaborate on something fun together in the future.

We also came across two really fun companies Globe Hope and Mimmeko, Globe Hope makes bags from parachutes and other recycled materials. This bag is made from recycled sails. We so love that!

We also met Lanius I am wearing a Lanius top and Philomena Zanetti trousers in the left pic. Lanius has a reall great basic collection of responsible clothing.

I really loved the super stylish outfit I came across from Sanikai Clothing. I decided to wear it for the Ethical Fashion Show and was spotted by friends on instagram. Apparently even a few guests went down to visit the designer after the show which makes me very happy.

I am especially excited to have found an ethical jeans designer  Mud Jeans

Here I am in a comfy look by Mud Jeans and  the super cool Star Wars sneaker by Po-Zu.

Needless to stay we have found a lot of exciting brands and will be keeping our eye out for upcoming trendy sustainable fashion we can share with you.

Hope this was helpful to the sustainable shopper.



Let there be light

Captura de pantalla 2017-06-23 a las 11.00.05

We are very happy to promote a VISA campaign that we were recently a part of. The commercial was great in all aspects, yet we were both particulary delighted with the cooperation with WakaWakaLight.

For every credit card acquired there is a free WAKA WAKA Power bank included, but not only that. Another WAKA WAKA is gifted to someone in need of light. There mission statement “Share the Sun¨Solar paneled flashlight and powerbank gives up to 34 hours of light.



Living without electricity is a sad reality that affects millions of people around the world; Once the sun goes down, there are families who are forced to live, eat, study and work in darkness.

WakaWaka has provided sustainable energy solutions to over 1.2 million people living in off-grid areas worldwide up to date, and numbers keep growing.

When we shoot the commercial we had to laugh so hard, because we had just lived a parallel experience in Baja california. We were there during the petrol strikes and we actually had to buy petrol from a man with a bucket and a plastic tube to make it back to California.

Captura de pantalla 2017-06-24 a las 16.54.07

The commercial was shot in Almeria, Spain. We had a lot of fun shooting it, the girl that played our daughter, Ellie, was an absolute gem.

All in all it was a really fun experience partnered with an awesome social cause….. keep making a difference.

Let there be light!

We no longer need electricity to charge our phones 🙂


Surfer Responsibilities 

You CAN make a difference…. 💕

We all love the ocean whether we surf, windsurf, kite, SUP or do any other water sports.

It would seem that all of us surfers would be aware of how our wetsuits and our boards are made. Unfortunately this is not the case. It sure isn’t sustainable nor good for our planet 🙁

It is true that there are still very few options for wetsuits and surfboards that are made organically but we have the power to change that!

The way we do that is by supporting the companies that are trying to do things sustainably.

The good news is there are many great emerging companies that are ran in an ethical fashion.

I came across a wonderful store in Madrid that is doing just that.


(we had a little fun with their stamp) 💕

Providing us with ecological options for the water, from Patagonia wetsuits to recycled leashes, fins and sunglasses.

I’m not going to lie…. I left with a new birthday suit…. I’ve always wanted a Patagonia wetsuit… you see some dreams do come 🙂

It has a great warranty and is made of yulex (natural rubber) but best of all this is Patagonia’s mission statement:

“Make the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.”💕

How can we not stand behind that!


Surf Natur also carries several brands of ecological surfboards. The company that caught my eye is Notox, delivering sustainable boards since 2006, handmade with greenOne technology.  We are excited to try it and will keep you posted as to how it fairs in the water 💦

A few other items that we really liked were the wooden watches and sunglasses made by Wewood.

This company has already planted 400,000 trees and plans on planting 600,000 more in the next 3 years. We love this.

And last but not least we love Surf Natur’s own 100% recycled cotton t-shirt line and their very original poncho that converts into a towel.

So what we propose next time you buy a new leash, some booties, a wetsuit, or anything you are investing in,  to go play in the water….. just see if maybe there is a more sustainable option out there and that way maybe you too can help make a difference.

I’ve got to run….. there are waves out there….. hope to see you in the water.

Thank YOU 💕

Instagram @ecocouple

Conscious Traveler- Destination Tarifa


The greatest thing about Tarifa is its wilderness, it is surrounded by rolling hills and stretches of beaches beyond the eye can see. It is the idealic paradise for any wind related activity. Nature in raw form leaving you time and time again with your jaw slightly dropped as you stare out into the Mediterranean or Atlantic (depending what beach you’re r on).

As I have lived in LA for the last two decades (very spoiled) I seem to be on the constant search for organic and sustainable products while traveling. I believe it is absolutely imperative that we all stand together with where we spend our money.

In lieu of this I have found my favourite places to shop and be fashionable in the most amazing places in the world. This story starts in tarifa….

I came across a fabulous ultra chic and sexy sustainable line. I got to wear one of her fabulous outfits for the Cannes film festival this year. Maria Malo, her line is produced sustainably in Bali.

For a discount please enter code SANNYFRIENDS

She also has an organic bamboo yoga line that I absolutely love too.

Maria lives and breathes what she and her company stand for. On instagram @mariamaloline


Another brand that I had the pleasure of coming across is @emebeme

They produce everything in Portugal and are also organic and consciously aware of every step of their production process.

My boyfriend and I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with Marina, the founder and CEO of Emebeme.  Here are some of our favourites

…. you can also find us on Instagram @ecocouple

This is the store front…. I’m wearing the super cute t-shirt jumpsuit 🙂

If you drop into either of these stores while in Tarifa please say hello from me.

Happy sustainable shopping xoxo