5 Great reasons to own an infra-red Sauna

Picture Compliments of Jacuzzi Clear Lite Sauna

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I was looking back at one of my very first posts I wrote in 2013, when i did not even know what this blog would be about, it was a few facts on the ¨Infra-red sauna¨ Years later I am so excited to share with you new knowledge as well as our favourite brand Jacuzzi Clear Lite Saunas if budget is an issue and you want to get on owning an infrared right away Therasage makes an incredible portable sauna and you can use our discount code (ecocouple) for an extra 10% off – I highly recommend this for people that don’t own their own property and want to reap the most incredible benefits of using an infrared!

Portable sauna with a bamboo happy chair

I suddenly realised that I had already started my very own biohacking journey in my late 20’s. Doing my first rounds of ozone therapy at my grandfathers clinic in Bad Kissingen. I remember everyone at the clinic wondering why I was doing this at such a young age, the people they treated were in their 70’s and 80’s. I was already paving the way of my healing journey! Little did I know that 15 years later my life would depend on all the knowledge I had started acquiring back then. ¨Healing Long Hauler Covid¨.

While I was in the middle of all my protocols I realised I was doing all the things my grandfather offered at his clinic and more. The more I delve into these healing journeys I realise that my grandfather was way ahead of his time. They had been administering ozone therapy for over 30 years and putting their patients in infra red saunas, using nebulizers and giving lymphatic massages to detox the body.

Here I am 50 years later writing about it on a blog, my grandfather would be proud I am sure. Hippocrates says it so nicely and I truly think he was on to something. If we have the ability to heat our body up we are able to kill pathogens and eliminate toxins from the body.

Infra Red Saunas are so efficient and opening the pathways to detoxification and the beauty about it is how gentle it is on the body. Infra Red heats you from the inside out among increasing your heart rate and getting your circulation moving it also activates your mitochondrial function, it is not necessarily only in the sweat that you excrete the toxins but you are also moving things to flush out of your liver. That is why it is so important to support your body with a binder (discount: ecocouple) when doing these types of therapies. That way you are not reabsorbing toxins when detoxifying the body.

Unfortunately in this day and age there are so many added toxins our bodies have to contend with that we need to be extra supporting, by doing things like infra red, rebounding, coffee enemas and most importantly nourishing our bodies with whole organic foods. Even the soil is depleted these days and we are not getting the same mineral and nutrients from our foods unless of course you are composting your organic wastes and creating your own rich soil and eating your own produce.

Here are my 5 Top reasons why investing in an infra red sauna is imperative in this day and age.

  1. Boosts the immune system and the respiratory system, naturally
  2. Supports detoxification of heavy metals and other stored toxins
  3. Reduces pain and inflammation and supports a healthy, happy brain
  4. Improves sleep and reduces insomnia
  5. Increases Circulation and human growth hormone

We have taken the time to research several brands and have found that Jacuzzi Clearlite Saunas prove be top of the line on the market today. The Sanctuary Full Spectrum Saunas offer near, mid, and far infrared technologies. As does the portable Therasage. This gives you all the options you need for supporting your infrared needs. As always we recommend you speak to your Dr about your specific situation and see if an infrared sauna is right for you. I dream of having one at every house that I live in!

I hope some of this was inspiring to you and I look forward to sharing more about my healing journey.



5 thoughts on “5 Great reasons to own an infra-red Sauna

  1. Always inspiring to read you and so exciting to read that your grandfather was doing this 50 years ago ! What a dude

  2. Excellent post! Infrared saunas have numerous health benefits for both healthy people and those with health issues. Instead of steam or hot air, infrared saunas use harmless radiation to generate heat. It is, however, recommended that you take a shower after your sauna to cleanse your body of the toxins generated during the session.

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