Bleed Clothing- One of our top choices in Sustainable Outdoor Clothing Brands

sustainable outdoor clothing brands

Bleed Clothing

I came across Bleed Clothing before I had even started eco couple, I was already on a mission as an actress to promote brands that were inspiring others to live their most conscious lives. This is definitely one of my most loved sustainable outdoor clothing brands. Michael Spitzbarth (the founder) and I truly were aligned with our hopes for the future. I am so proud of how the brand has grown and also how we have remained supporting each others missions since the day we met.

Now years later we get to show you how Eco Couple took a few pieces of an amazing new collection and with the help of great friends we got creative and took these beautiful pictures. We wanted to depict what this brand really is about and promote its love for adventure, the outdoors and our planet.

Bleed Clothing is truly sustainable all the way from sourcing to manufacturing their products and the quality is outstanding. Fairtrade, eco friendly and 100% organic. Not to mention stylish durable and simply a good investment for generations to come.

There is not much more I can say other than, if you love the great outdoors and you want to buy staple items that will last a long time and you want to feel good about your purchase supporting Bleed Clothing is the way to go. We look forward to many more outdoor adventures to come with them and hope they can come and spend some time in the waves with us in Hawaii.

I want to send off a special thank you to my eco-conscious friends that made this super fun shoot possible! The amazing photographer here on Maui Michael Hannig and our friends and influencers Annaliese Puccini and Melissa Chisholm who absolutely rocked the outfits.

If you loved this article have a look at some other amazing outdoor adventure brands in this post ¨5 Surf Sustainable Accessories you will love¨

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

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