Health Tip: 5 Great Ways to boost your immune system

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We have all been bombarded by the news, our neighbours or simply people talking on the streets. Tonight I was buying some toilet paper and two people said oh they still have toilet paper here, apparently we are out of it on the island!!! I am no one to opinionate about this whole thing, as we read enough about it everywhere right now! But I have found some things to have helped me over the years to boost your immune system and I thought I would share a list of my favourites.

I like to start my day simply with a glass of warm water and lemon, it is always a good thing to flush the system first thing in the morning.

Firstly I want to talk about eating immune boosting foods which is probably where we all should start, on my list are, tumeric, ginger, garlic, oranges, grapefruit, kale, spinach, and mushrooms, did you know they are high in Zinc?

Here is a list of things I personally like to have on hand:

Vitamin C – I have trusted this brand for years the Garden of Life, I really like their Vitamin C and their prenatals.


This is by far my top choice for Magnesium Hydro Pristine and feel free to use code: ecocouple for your discount

Zinc- This Zinc is sublingual, I like it better than chewing on sugary tablets, if you want to try some of this brands products shoot us a message and we can send you a gift certificate!

Cell Food- Cell Food I always carry this with me when I travel.

ChlorOxygen this is another one of my favourites, been using it on and off for over a decade!

If you are feeling a tickle in your throat my go to is always propolis spray by Beekeeper’s Natural I discovered this brand a few years ago while I was in Toronto for the film festival, and I carry a bottle with me ever since. Stay safe everyone!

I hope that you have the time to look into some of these products as you will find them all to be wonderful assets to simply feeling more confident about your immune system. Wash your hands often and stay safe out there…. a good way to get your children to wash their hands is by painting a drawing on their hands and rewarding them if they have washed it off during the course of a day. Stay Safe!

with love,


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