Best Way to Support Your Gut Health

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running, and allows us to keep the content free for our readers. Thank you for supporting our mission, it means a lot.

We discovered Dr Zach Bush at the beginning of 2020 and are so glad we did. We have been taking Ion Biome for a few years now and I personally am noticing a difference and believe this is the greatest way to support your gut health. Not only does it strengthen your gut lining, but it prevents environmental elements, undigested foods, and toxins from leaking into the bloodstream. This way our immune system can focus on other areas of the body.

This product is one of my most important biohacking finds of all time. Our gut is our second brain and it is definitely one of the first areas of our body that we should repair if we want to live healthy and thriving lives. If you’re new to the subject, the gut microbiome is an ecosystem of bacteria that live in our lower digestive system. These bacteria are not a bad, in fact, the gut microbiome is one of the most influential factors on our health.


The Gut biome forms a huge part in how our immune systems work. Repairing the cellular communication in your gut biome and your body makes you more efficient at everything, especially fighting disease.

I also really admire and respect the creator of Ion Biome, Dr Zach Bush. I think each and every one of you would benefit greatly from the knowledge this man has to share.

I am absolutely ecstatic to be able to offer you this special Bundle deal, try a bottle and get a travel one free! I personally have also added the Nasal spray as an absolute travel essential during these times. I think it is super important to keep our nasal passages moist when in public spaces especially in aeroplanes. I would also love to share with you one of our very first posts on this website ¨Beating Jet lag¨ – I will be updating this post shortly with all the recommendations for travel during the pandemic. Obviously boosting your immune system is also imperative.

support your gut ion gut health on blue display table

Humanity is facing a global crisis with pesticides, antibiotics, disease outbreaks, and environmental pollutants working against our mental and physical health. ION*Biome’s gut-strengthening, soil-derived supplement goes beyond probiotics to help your microbiome flourish on its own, the natural way. With a little bit of time and patience you will see and feel the difference very soon.

ION*Gut Health supports your body via redox signalling to rebuild the gut lining and maintain tight junction integrity for proper barrier support. This function creates a domino effect of good health, promoting immune function, mental clarity, and respiratory and digestive wellness. Put simply, ION*Gut Health helps you thrive! 

What to Know: 

• ION*Gut Health strengthens tight junctions (the gut’s unsung heroes). 

• 70% of the immune system resides in the gut lining; thus, when the gut lining is compromised, the immune system is compromised. Gut health is immune health. 

• Take approximately one tsp before each meal; ION*Gut Health supports the gut best when acting as a shield against gluten, glyphosate, and other environmental invaders. 

• ION*Sinus is an important part of the ION*Biome product line and helps to support the microbiome at the start of the gut, which is actually in the sinuses (fun fact!). 

ION*Biome goes beyond other supplements to support your wellbeing at a foundational level. By laying those building blocks with ION*Gut Health, you aren’t just supplementing, you’re supporting.

Click here to subscribe and save 20% – try it and tell us how you like it. We would absolutely love to hear your opinions.

Thanks for reading,

Eco Couple

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bathroom hacks for a ¨Sustainable Tomorrow¨

Our favourite month has arrived, Plastic Free July! In lieu of this month we want to highlight some of the brands that we have found over the last months that are trying to do just that, reduce plastic and protect our environment. Sustainable Tomorrow has surprised us with various really handy products. What we most love is the eco conscious electric toothbrush with replaceable bamboo toothbrush heads. It is also really cool that they even make a bamboo toothbrush that fits on to your philips electric toothbrush and the best part is these bamboo replacements are compostable! Pretty much a no brainer if you ask me.

Image by ¨Sustainable Tomorrow¨

Unfortunately micro plastics are showing up everywhere on earth even in a mothers womb- this is simply devastating. The only way to put and end to it is to refuse using plastic as much as possible. There are so many ways that this stuff is getting into the ocean even your clothes, wearing and purchasing synthetic fabrics puts micro plastics into the oceon every single wash. So many people are still not aware of this and it is up to us and the people that are reading these words right now to help raise awareness. We have to do it together because it is our duty for mother earth.

ecofriendly bamboo electric toothbrush

Some of the most common everyday things is what is found in the ocean the most! Cotton ears swabs, it is so simple to switch to biodegradable ones! Our toothbrushes and razors – if one billion people went for the sustainable option we would be on our way to a better world. It is about leading by example and waking each other up. Instead of bringing cut flowers to someones house why not bring them a box of bamboo toothbrushes…. they are sure to need and use them sometime and you can get into the conversation of why it is so important to no longer purchase plastic ones… just a small idea – and what the heck – everyone brushes their teeth don’t they?

Razors are also such a detriment, disposable plastic razors…but why are we still not considering this? There are other options even companies that at least make them with recycled plastics, not the best but a step in the right direction. Sustainable tomorrow makes a beautiful metal butterfly razor. You will never have to use plastic again!

Or be it in the kitchen, there are so many great options of soap bars and beautiful holders, bamboo dish brushes and so much more. You do not have to support brands that are polluting our planet.

Last but not least I want to mention one of my very favourite household items that has been reducing so much plastic waste in our household. It took me a while to find a good product that actually worked but I have never been happier about doing my laundry with TruEarth there is absolutely ZERO plastic waste with this product, it comes in small strips in a very thin cardboard envelope. No more huge bottles of plastic laundry detergent!

You get the point friends there are plenty of ways we can step up to the plate and be more conscious about plastic consumption. Sorry that I go on and on about the subject but I truly find it to be so important. Remember every dollar we lay down casts a vote for the future we are going to live in. So open your eyes and realise that your vote counts! The day you make a more sustainable choice for your home truly does make a difference for the collective. Let’s get it right for our future generations!

Thanks for reading!

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

The Perfect Organic Sustainable Kite

beautiful handmade sustainable kites
Kites deserve a rediscovery in our culture as a simple, yet profound tool, for getting us outdoors and lifting spirits.-Little Cloud Kites

Flying a sustainable kite is such a magical experience. It is no coincidence when you fly one that all the children gather around eagerly and want to take a turn. As do the adults. The wondrous act of launching a kite into the sky and watching it soar above you. It is mesmorizing and in a way it can be a beautiful meditative process also for us adults. We love Little Cloud Kites!

I remember when I was a kid and we used to go to the hill to fly the kite. It was not very often, but every time we went felt like a “special day”. Walking with that purpose, hoping for wind, searching for the area without trees. Rigging the kite was always exciting, since it was such a seldom experience, every time there was those couple of steps where you weren’t sure how to do it, and it is certainly simple; I guess being excited makes you want to do things faster.

Well, we have re-created that moment, that emotion with our new “KITE”; Atlantis, our son was always curious about kites when we saw them from the playground, and now he is enjoying his a lot.

Mum normally raises the kite and Atlantis takes over and flies it for a while; we ask for wishes, since the kite is closer to the sky and takes messages from us back to the main land.

If I am lucky, I get a turn to fly the kite too, since every time we fly it, there are children gathering around to chase its shadow or eagerly stand in line to take a turn holding the spool. It provokes many smiles, fun, joy and happiness, and it is only a kite!!

It is amazing that although the construction is quite simple this kite flies batter than any I have flown. Simple yet it soars higher than any other and it looks phenomenal when flying.

This one, we explain, is made consciously; the wood used comes from a man who provides FCS certified wood and carves the different parts with his own hands; the fabric comes from India and it has been hand painted in Canada; the line is hemp, once again grown sustainably. It is the only kite we have ever found to be truly ethical and sustainable. It even has a lifetime warranty and it is exactly that a beautifully handcrafted Kite that will be and stay in your family for generations to come. All it needs is some tender loving care and some healthy flights to keep it going!

Now, once you grab the handle you connect with nature, it is magical how the kite makes you feel the wind gusts, makes you realise when it is comfortable up there, and when it needs and extra push or wants to turn a little. When you look at it, you automatically come here and now, such a simple beautiful way to look up and admire how beautiful the blue sky is and the clouds, you see butterflies and dragonflies passing by, the experience is phenomenal. There is nothing quite like it and you are out in the fresh air catching a breeze on your face.

So we really want to urge you to support this small business and its exceptional organic sustainable kites. It is an investment you will make for you and your family to spend time in nature doing something everyone loves for generations to come.

With love,

Eco Couple

The Ultimate Sustainable Laundry Detergent

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running and allows us to keep the content free for our readers.

It has taken me years to find a sustainable laundry detergent I truly aligned with. When it comes to laundry detergent the most important thing is really that it works. For years every single time I bought a plastic container I would get frustrated with myself and try new detergents in a box (which would get moist and sticky and not really clean my clothes) you name it, I tried it. Even trying to make my own, but honestly as eco-friendly as I want to be I am not willing to walk around in stained clothes. So even all these eco conscious brands packaged in plastic was just not cutting it for me.

Then I discovered Tru Earth, they sent me a sample package, to be honest I was a bit sceptical at first. So I did not post about the product until I tried them all and washed my dirty toddler clothes with it. Well to my surprise I have finally found the brand that works for me on every level.

Picture from Tru Earth save with their Bundles!

I now have plenty of room in my laundry room, no sticky gooey laundry spills. It is efficient, works well and when I have finished using the strips I recycle my thin cardboard envelope and voila- zero waste! Also the shipping leaves a minimum carbon footprint. Go ahead purchase a yearly bundle and feel good about your zero waste laundry journey!

For more great tips in greening your home check out 5 ways of living more sustainably

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

5 Great reasons to own an infra-red Sauna

Picture Compliments of Jacuzzi Clear Lite Sauna

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism.

I was looking back at one of my very first posts I wrote in 2013, when i did not even know what this blog would be about, it was a few facts on the ¨Infra-red sauna¨ Years later I am so excited to share with you new knowledge as well as our favourite brand Jacuzzi Clear Lite Saunas if budget is an issue and you want to get on owning an infrared right away Therasage makes an incredible portable sauna and you can use our discount code (ecocouple) for an extra 10% off – I highly recommend this for people that don’t own their own property and want to reap the most incredible benefits of using an infrared!

Portable sauna with a bamboo happy chair

I suddenly realised that I had already started my very own biohacking journey in my late 20’s. Doing my first rounds of ozone therapy at my grandfathers clinic in Bad Kissingen. I remember everyone at the clinic wondering why I was doing this at such a young age, the people they treated were in their 70’s and 80’s. I was already paving the way of my healing journey! Little did I know that 15 years later my life would depend on all the knowledge I had started acquiring back then. ¨Healing Long Hauler Covid¨.

While I was in the middle of all my protocols I realised I was doing all the things my grandfather offered at his clinic and more. The more I delve into these healing journeys I realise that my grandfather was way ahead of his time. They had been administering ozone therapy for over 30 years and putting their patients in infra red saunas, using nebulizers and giving lymphatic massages to detox the body.

Here I am 50 years later writing about it on a blog, my grandfather would be proud I am sure. Hippocrates says it so nicely and I truly think he was on to something. If we have the ability to heat our body up we are able to kill pathogens and eliminate toxins from the body.

Infra Red Saunas are so efficient and opening the pathways to detoxification and the beauty about it is how gentle it is on the body. Infra Red heats you from the inside out among increasing your heart rate and getting your circulation moving it also activates your mitochondrial function, it is not necessarily only in the sweat that you excrete the toxins but you are also moving things to flush out of your liver. That is why it is so important to support your body with a binder (discount: ecocouple) when doing these types of therapies. That way you are not reabsorbing toxins when detoxifying the body.

Unfortunately in this day and age there are so many added toxins our bodies have to contend with that we need to be extra supporting, by doing things like infra red, rebounding, coffee enemas and most importantly nourishing our bodies with whole organic foods. Even the soil is depleted these days and we are not getting the same mineral and nutrients from our foods unless of course you are composting your organic wastes and creating your own rich soil and eating your own produce.

Here are my 5 Top reasons why investing in an infra red sauna is imperative in this day and age.

  1. Boosts the immune system and the respiratory system, naturally
  2. Supports detoxification of heavy metals and other stored toxins
  3. Reduces pain and inflammation and supports a healthy, happy brain
  4. Improves sleep and reduces insomnia
  5. Increases Circulation and human growth hormone

We have taken the time to research several brands and have found that Jacuzzi Clearlite Saunas prove be top of the line on the market today. The Sanctuary Full Spectrum Saunas offer near, mid, and far infrared technologies. As does the portable Therasage. This gives you all the options you need for supporting your infrared needs. As always we recommend you speak to your Dr about your specific situation and see if an infrared sauna is right for you. I dream of having one at every house that I live in!

I hope some of this was inspiring to you and I look forward to sharing more about my healing journey.



Healing “Long Hauler” symptoms at Home During Corona Times

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running and allows us to keep the content free for our readers.

I am not a Doctor nor do I claim to have cures; I suggest you speak to your own Doctor if anything on this post resonates with you. That being said, my western Doctors were not able to help me during these difficult times. So I delved on a research adventure for other therapies.

This may come as a surprise to some and others closer to me know very well how long I have been battling with my post corona symptoms. I am what you consider a ¨Long Hauler¨ but I have chosen a path of research, alternative therapies and ultimately I trust that I will heal 100%. Throughout my research I have come across so many practitioners and different healing modalities, I think there is value in sharing them.

I want to talk about my journey because I feel that when we go to numerous Dr’s and nobody can give you any definitive answers, it can become a very frustrating and lonely journey.

I finally sought out a Naturopath, Dr Bonnie Marsh, who decided to walk the journey of healing with me and guided me into taking matters into my own hands! Obviously I highly recommend her and after hours and hours sitting in her practice I could say I became somewhat of an apprentice! I am ever so grateful to have her guidance in my life and hope I can share some of her knowledge with you too.

Firstly I would like to talk about Ozone Therapy I was previously exposed to ozone therapy in the south of Germany; turns out that my own grandfather had a “Sanatorium”, a kind of balnearium where Ozone therapy was used, we are talking about 70 years ago. Little did I know that I would one day own my whole set up, and would be treating myself at home. The O3 Molecule created by ozone is a potent gas that kills virus, bacteria and pathogens upon contact. With ozone less is more but frequency is key. So the healing process is slow but long lasting. I would like to add that there have been great results with auto immune diseases, lymes, cancer and other conditions using Ozone Therapy.

Oxygen selectively attacks only diseased cells (due to their damage or missing antioxidant shielding) No shield, no protection from being burned up; Nature is beautiful in its design, simplicity and efficiency.- Flood Your Body with Oxygen

Bonnie also introduced me to Hydrogen therapy. I have not yet purchased my own set up but in the meantime I take Oral Molecular Hydrogen which according to numerous studies is just as effective as inhaling the Brown’s Gas itself.

From all the research I have been doing, and together with my intuition, I felt that anything that activated my circulation, cleansed my blood or was detoxifying, would be beneficial; I continued finding products that worked for the protocol I had started creating for myself.

Update: I have since writing this post discovered a new brand that has also helped me in my detoxification process and I highly recommend their products Microbe Formulas I started on the first protocol and am leading my way up to the Full Moon parasite cleanse. Please feel free to use my discount: ecocouple if you would like to try any of their products! Continuing on my belief with the extra oxygenation of the body if you were just to try one product of theirs I’d recommend it would be the Bio Molecular Oxygen!

To give you an idea of what a treatment day looks like for me: I start my day with a glass of water with lemon and pharmaceutical grade baking soda; after waiting a few hours I then take a glass of water with Molecular Hydrogen. Then I take my detox supplements mentioned above. Then I do my ozone treatment sometimes I do an insufflation (15/30 min.) and other times if I am more rushed I just do the suppositories (use isocunt code: ecocouple). Both are equally good treatments for me. If you have questions about these modalities feel free to reach out to me and I can share more information or speak to your local naturopath to seek out your own treatments.

Infra Red therapy is also super beneficial and works for me and I like to lay on my amethyst mat early in the evening before bed, to be honest in my longterm plans I will own my very own infra red sauna one day which is my top choice for infra red therapy…. update I know own this infra red sauna and absolutely love it – I can also offer you a discount on it with the same code: Ecocouple

I make sure to take a binder before I do the sauna to sweep up all the nasties that are released by the far and near infra red heat. This has made a huge difference for me.

again I am not advising anyone what they should do, I am simply sharing my own experience and you can do your own research from there.

Music has also been very healing for me and I have created some amazing healing playlists on soundcloud that help me disconnect and help me envision a healed version of myself. Yoga and Meditation would also be certainly beneficial and learning breathing techniques. This book is also great resource ¨Breath

crop field under rainbow and cloudy skies at dayime
Photo by James Wheeler on

We are all different and our needs are different but if any of this information resonates with you then you should look into it further. My intuition just kept telling me to oxygenate my cells, my system, my lungs and this is how I came to find all of these modalities.

After pumping my body with oxygen I then (a few hours later) take antioxidant supplements to remove the toxins from my body and am in an ebb and flow of oxygenating and detoxing. I like to alternate the use of vitamin D3, zinc, vitamin E, CoQ10, magnesium (in my opinion the best magnesium is however sold at HydroPristine) and selenium. Ask your Doctor which supplements would be right for you, the ones I listed are the brands I prefer for myself.

This is the best remedy I have found for myself and the closest I have come to feeling well again. I still have harder days than others, especially if my rest is affected which happens a little too much as I am a mother of a toddler but I see the end of the tunnel.

If you have found other things that work for you I would love to hear about them in the comments below, it is a time for us to share are knowledge and experience with one another as we are all in a learning process.

I hope this article brings hope, love and new ideas to some.

In healing together,

Sanny (Eco Couple)

Reference: Flood your Body with Oxygen, by Ed McCabe (2008)

Breath, by James Nestor

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bleed Clothing- One of our top choices in Sustainable Outdoor Clothing Brands

sustainable outdoor clothing brands

Bleed Clothing

I came across Bleed Clothing before I had even started eco couple, I was already on a mission as an actress to promote brands that were inspiring others to live their most conscious lives. This is definitely one of my most loved sustainable outdoor clothing brands. Michael Spitzbarth (the founder) and I truly were aligned with our hopes for the future. I am so proud of how the brand has grown and also how we have remained supporting each others missions since the day we met.

Now years later we get to show you how Eco Couple took a few pieces of an amazing new collection and with the help of great friends we got creative and took these beautiful pictures. We wanted to depict what this brand really is about and promote its love for adventure, the outdoors and our planet.

Bleed Clothing is truly sustainable all the way from sourcing to manufacturing their products and the quality is outstanding. Fairtrade, eco friendly and 100% organic. Not to mention stylish durable and simply a good investment for generations to come.

There is not much more I can say other than, if you love the great outdoors and you want to buy staple items that will last a long time and you want to feel good about your purchase supporting Bleed Clothing is the way to go. We look forward to many more outdoor adventures to come with them and hope they can come and spend some time in the waves with us in Hawaii.

I want to send off a special thank you to my eco-conscious friends that made this super fun shoot possible! The amazing photographer here on Maui Michael Hannig and our friends and influencers Annaliese Puccini and Melissa Chisholm who absolutely rocked the outfits.

If you loved this article have a look at some other amazing outdoor adventure brands in this post ¨5 Surf Sustainable Accessories you will love¨

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

Crowdfunding for Lomi Composter by Pela

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism.

As you already know we are really enthusiastic about composting. When we came across this incredible crowdfunding project for the Lomi we were really inspired to share it with you. This is a complete breakthrough in composting technology and literally turns food waste into compost by a click of a button and in just a few hours. It can even handle compostable tableware, making composting an easy path of the future no matter how small your living quarters.

You can now purchase your Lomi home composter on Indiagogo before the product even launches at a discounted rate.

¨Lomi uses heat, abrasion, and oxygen to speed up the breakdown of organic waste into smaller fragments – similar to how earthworms break down and mix plant tissue into soil, except Lomi does this without the smell and mess!¨ – Pela

We highly recommend supporting this campaign and joining the future of composting.

If you are interested in an other approach to composting, we are also fans of the Bokashi system. You can read more about it on our post ¨Sustainable Gardening Tips¨ Bokashi is already less complicated than the traditional composting methods we may be used to.

Picture compliments of Pela

PELA has been making innovative compostable products since 2013 and we support the mission they are on. For more info on Pela watch this.

Thank you for reading and supporting our blog.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

A Beautiful Sustainable Wedding with Etsy

Everybody has grand plans for the perfect wedding, after hours upon hours of research I wanted to share with you how you can keep the cost down but also support amazing small businesses on your special day. Creating the most magical atmosphere and having the most memorable sustainable wedding. These are the tips I can share that can help you make your sustainable wedding decisions.

The selection of wedding dresses is absolutely fantastic on Etsy and there is really something in every price range. Classical beautifully handmade traditional dresses made to order.

But also really simple wedding dresses like the ones below by January Wedding or something a little more boho from Aya Sacred Wear there are just a few hundreds of stunning dresses for every possible style and taste.

There are also very elegant suits to choose from for the groom. I myself liked these two that could be worn at a beach wedding or something a little more laid back and intimate. This brown suit was one of my favourites as well as the blue one pictured below.

When it comes to rings there are also a plethora of options, we really liked these wood rings by Palisander Art Wood for under $100 that you can also get engraved. I might also add that they have great customer service. Or you can browse a more classical selection of His and Hers on Etsy. We personally went for wooden rings for our beach days and diamonds for special occasions. We are very happy with our wedding rings.

For the most adorable Ring Bearer outfits look no further, KickandGiggle will hand sow you the most adorable outfits and in a very timely fashion. Add in the adorable suspenders by The Bold Bowtie for that extra touch.

I also really love this rustic sign to greet the guests as they arrive to that special place the couple will get married at. Also these wedding sparkler tags are adorable, with the little match detail on the cardboard.

Decor Panels or Wedding drapes are both wonderful ways to really spruce up the decor.

Some things are yet so very simple, but also magical. Simply putting a polaroid out by the arrival area your guests can have fun taking their picture and hanging it on the heart string and you will both have so many wonderful memories to look back on. Also gives the guests something to do while they wait.

sustainable wedding decorations string with hearts

This along with a beautiful guestbook or even more original a heart of guest messages that you can cherish forever.

It is always nice to leave your guests with a little something to remember the day with, I am a really big fans of fridge magnets and think this is a beautiful touch for a wedding. You can find these at the ¨Say it with Style¨ Store

I wish you the most beautiful wedding wherever and however you choose to manifest it. We would love to hear from you if you liked or used some of our ideas and CONGRATULATIONS!

If you are interested in more of my selections on Etsy please see my profile.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

P.S Most pictures are taken directly from the Etsy website!

5 First Steps Towards a Zero Waste Lifestyle

I am sure by now you have heard the term ¨Zero Waste¨ and we know it can sound daunting and overwhelming. Firstly I would like to explain the concept: it is based on a set of principles focused on waste prevention. Ultimately when waste ends up in landfills, incinerators and the ocean, it emits toxic gases that are detrimental to our environment. So the zero waste concept encourages the redesign of resource lifecycles so that products can be reused, repurposed and kept out of landfills. To give you an idea, plastics instead of being thrown away can be repurposed to build furniture, bricks and things that are more durable and long lasting.

I would like to remind you that the main goal is to simply take baby steps. It is not about perfection but about taking initiatives towards a better future. Here are 5 steps in the right direction that make a very big difference in the amount of waste that we produce.

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism

1-Water Filtration Systems

Investing in some type of water filtration system is essential. You can avoid thousand of plastic bottles ending up in the oceans and landfills. Ultimately it also saves you a great deal of money as you will never have to buy another bottle again.

Hydro Pristine

After lengthy research on under the counter filters, this is the most affordable and efficient one we found. You can spend thousands of dollars on other options but this one delivers perfect water to your home and has proven the test of time. Use code: ECOCOUPLE for your 10% discount

Berkey Portable Water Filter

This is by far one of our most loved systems because you can catch water at the source and filter it or even catch rain water in case of an emergency. The Travel Berkey is super convenient and we are really happy with ours.

2- Water Bottles

We have used quite a few over the years and have our preferences for several different occasions. Some are easier to clean than others, while others the water simply tastes better. So we have included our selection of top 3 water bottle brands.

1- Blue Bottle Love– We always have one in our fridge as well as the gallon one for back up water at home. This bottle makes the water taste the best and is by far my top choice.

2- Yeti – Since having a toddler glass bottles can get a little dangerous so sometimes it is better to have something a little sturdier and being out all day it can be nice and refreshing to have something stay cold for hours.

3- Hydroflask– same same, a really good option a bit cheaper and just as good. I personally love having my cold water when I exit the ocean after a windsurfing session, and the same bottle can be used to keep the water warm so that you can prepare some tea for when it gets cold. Amazing!!

We wrote a useful article on other items in the kitchen that can help you reduce waste on a daily basis Living More Sustainably by Greening your Home

3- Spend Less

This is a very simple concept, do we really need all the things we buy? Stop and think for a moment, is this essential? What will happen to this item down the line? Do I need it or could I maybe borrow it from a friend? Try to stop using single use items, obviously in emergencies we sometimes have to buy things we don’t align with but if you think about it most of the time we really do have a choice and we really need much less than we realise. when it comes to fashion it is nice to have something new sometimes, but it does not have to be ¨New¨ it can be new to you. Swap clothes with friends every once in a while.

4- Bring Your Own Bag

In most stores you can either bring your own bag or ask for boxes at the counter that you can then recycle. We definitely can refuse plastic bags. Also bringing your own tupperware and cutlery set is simple and really effective. There are such nice sets out there you may as well have one in your bag and an extra set in the car. I guarantee you will be saving hundreds if not thousands of plastic spoons, knives and forks ending up in a landfill.

5- Compost

composting is one of the bestways to be zero waste

This can sometimes feel the most difficult. It is true that I personally wanted to compost for years in my head before I actually went ahead and did it. I kept thinking I needed to live on a big piece of land. In actual fact you can compost anywhere and really do nature a favour by doing so. I wish I had started sooner now that I realised how simple it actually is and how much waste I reduce from that simple act. We absolutely found the system that was right for us. The Bokashi saves you from needing to turn and churn and have worms in your compost. This is clean and efficient and can be done form anywhere. For more info read our post ¨Eco friendly Sustainable Gardening Tips¨ or you can head over to our instagram and check ¨Our Garden¨ and watch how we did it.

Thanks for reading and please do pass these tips along to encourage others to be more ¨Zero Waste¨!

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple