The Ultimate Sustainable Laundry Detergent

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running and allows us to keep the content free for our readers.

It has taken me years to find a sustainable laundry detergent I truly aligned with. When it comes to laundry detergent the most important thing is really that it works. For years every single time I bought a plastic container I would get frustrated with myself and try new detergents in a box (which would get moist and sticky and not really clean my clothes) you name it, I tried it. Even trying to make my own, but honestly as eco-friendly as I want to be I am not willing to walk around in stained clothes. So even all these eco conscious brands packaged in plastic was just not cutting it for me.

Then I discovered Tru Earth, they sent me a sample package, to be honest I was a bit sceptical at first. So I did not post about the product until I tried them all and washed my dirty toddler clothes with it. Well to my surprise I have finally found the brand that works for me on every level.

Picture from Tru Earth save with their Bundles!

I now have plenty of room in my laundry room, no sticky gooey laundry spills. It is efficient, works well and when I have finished using the strips I recycle my thin cardboard envelope and voila- zero waste! Also the shipping leaves a minimum carbon footprint. Go ahead purchase a yearly bundle and feel good about your zero waste laundry journey!

For more great tips in greening your home check out 5 ways of living more sustainably

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

Healing “Long Hauler” symptoms at Home During Corona Times

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running and allows us to keep the content free for our readers.

I am not a Doctor nor do I claim to have cures; I suggest you speak to your own Doctor if anything on this post resonates with you. That being said, my western Doctors were not able to help me during these difficult times. So I delved on a research adventure for other therapies.

This may come as a surprise to some and others closer to me know very well how long I have been battling with my post corona symptoms. I am what you consider a ¨Long Hauler¨ but I have chosen a path of research, alternative therapies and ultimately I trust that I will heal 100%. Throughout my research I have come across so many practitioners and different healing modalities, I think there is value in sharing them.

I want to talk about my journey because I feel that when we go to numerous Dr’s and nobody can give you any definitive answers, it can become a very frustrating and lonely journey.

I finally sought out a Naturopath, Dr Bonnie Marsh, who decided to walk the journey of healing with me and guided me into taking matters into my own hands! Obviously I highly recommend her and after hours and hours sitting in her practice I could say I became somewhat of an apprentice! I am ever so grateful to have her guidance in my life and hope I can share some of her knowledge with you too.

Firstly I would like to talk about Ozone Therapy I was previously exposed to ozone therapy in the south of Germany; turns out that my own grandfather had a “Sanatorium”, a kind of balnearium where Ozone therapy was used, we are talking about 70 years ago. Little did I know that I would one day own my whole set up, and would be treating myself at home. The O3 Molecule created by ozone is a potent gas that kills virus, bacteria and pathogens upon contact. With ozone less is more but frequency is key. So the healing process is slow but long lasting. I would like to add that there have been great results with auto immune diseases, lymes, cancer and other conditions using Ozone Therapy.

Oxygen selectively attacks only diseased cells (due to their damage or missing antioxidant shielding) No shield, no protection from being burned up; Nature is beautiful in its design, simplicity and efficiency.- Flood Your Body with Oxygen

Bonnie also introduced me to Hydrogen therapy. I have not yet purchased my own set up but in the meantime I take Oral Molecular Hydrogen which according to numerous studies is just as effective as inhaling the Brown’s Gas itself.

From all the research I have been doing, and together with my intuition, I felt that anything that activated my circulation, cleansed my blood or was detoxifying, would be beneficial; I continued finding products that worked for the protocol I had started creating for myself.

Update: I have since writing this post discovered a new brand that has also helped me in my detoxification process and I highly recommend their products Microbe Formulas I started on the first protocol and am leading my way up to the Full Moon parasite cleanse. Please feel free to use my discount: ecocouple if you would like to try any of their products! Continuing on my belief with the extra oxygenation of the body if you were just to try one product of theirs I’d recommend it would be the Bio Molecular Oxygen!

To give you an idea of what a treatment day looks like for me: I start my day with a glass of water with lemon and pharmaceutical grade baking soda; after waiting a few hours I then take a glass of water with Molecular Hydrogen. Then I take my detox supplements mentioned above. Then I do my ozone treatment sometimes I do an insufflation (15/30 min.) and other times if I am more rushed I just do the suppositories (use isocunt code: ecocouple). Both are equally good treatments for me. If you have questions about these modalities feel free to reach out to me and I can share more information or speak to your local naturopath to seek out your own treatments.

Infra Red therapy is also super beneficial and works for me and I like to lay on my amethyst mat early in the evening before bed, to be honest in my longterm plans I will own my very own infra red sauna one day which is my top choice for infra red therapy…. update I know own this infra red sauna and absolutely love it – I can also offer you a discount on it with the same code: Ecocouple

I make sure to take a binder before I do the sauna to sweep up all the nasties that are released by the far and near infra red heat. This has made a huge difference for me.

again I am not advising anyone what they should do, I am simply sharing my own experience and you can do your own research from there.

Music has also been very healing for me and I have created some amazing healing playlists on soundcloud that help me disconnect and help me envision a healed version of myself. Yoga and Meditation would also be certainly beneficial and learning breathing techniques. This book is also great resource ¨Breath

crop field under rainbow and cloudy skies at dayime
Photo by James Wheeler on

We are all different and our needs are different but if any of this information resonates with you then you should look into it further. My intuition just kept telling me to oxygenate my cells, my system, my lungs and this is how I came to find all of these modalities.

After pumping my body with oxygen I then (a few hours later) take antioxidant supplements to remove the toxins from my body and am in an ebb and flow of oxygenating and detoxing. I like to alternate the use of vitamin D3, zinc, vitamin E, CoQ10, magnesium (in my opinion the best magnesium is however sold at HydroPristine) and selenium. Ask your Doctor which supplements would be right for you, the ones I listed are the brands I prefer for myself.

This is the best remedy I have found for myself and the closest I have come to feeling well again. I still have harder days than others, especially if my rest is affected which happens a little too much as I am a mother of a toddler but I see the end of the tunnel.

If you have found other things that work for you I would love to hear about them in the comments below, it is a time for us to share are knowledge and experience with one another as we are all in a learning process.

I hope this article brings hope, love and new ideas to some.

In healing together,

Sanny (Eco Couple)

Reference: Flood your Body with Oxygen, by Ed McCabe (2008)

Breath, by James Nestor

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

A Beautiful Sustainable Wedding with Etsy

Everybody has grand plans for the perfect wedding, after hours upon hours of research I wanted to share with you how you can keep the cost down but also support amazing small businesses on your special day. Creating the most magical atmosphere and having the most memorable sustainable wedding. These are the tips I can share that can help you make your sustainable wedding decisions.

The selection of wedding dresses is absolutely fantastic on Etsy and there is really something in every price range. Classical beautifully handmade traditional dresses made to order.

But also really simple wedding dresses like the ones below by January Wedding or something a little more boho from Aya Sacred Wear there are just a few hundreds of stunning dresses for every possible style and taste.

There are also very elegant suits to choose from for the groom. I myself liked these two that could be worn at a beach wedding or something a little more laid back and intimate. This brown suit was one of my favourites as well as the blue one pictured below.

When it comes to rings there are also a plethora of options, we really liked these wood rings by Palisander Art Wood for under $100 that you can also get engraved. I might also add that they have great customer service. Or you can browse a more classical selection of His and Hers on Etsy. We personally went for wooden rings for our beach days and diamonds for special occasions. We are very happy with our wedding rings.

For the most adorable Ring Bearer outfits look no further, KickandGiggle will hand sow you the most adorable outfits and in a very timely fashion. Add in the adorable suspenders by The Bold Bowtie for that extra touch.

I also really love this rustic sign to greet the guests as they arrive to that special place the couple will get married at. Also these wedding sparkler tags are adorable, with the little match detail on the cardboard.

Decor Panels or Wedding drapes are both wonderful ways to really spruce up the decor.

Some things are yet so very simple, but also magical. Simply putting a polaroid out by the arrival area your guests can have fun taking their picture and hanging it on the heart string and you will both have so many wonderful memories to look back on. Also gives the guests something to do while they wait.

sustainable wedding decorations string with hearts

This along with a beautiful guestbook or even more original a heart of guest messages that you can cherish forever.

It is always nice to leave your guests with a little something to remember the day with, I am a really big fans of fridge magnets and think this is a beautiful touch for a wedding. You can find these at the ¨Say it with Style¨ Store

I wish you the most beautiful wedding wherever and however you choose to manifest it. We would love to hear from you if you liked or used some of our ideas and CONGRATULATIONS!

If you are interested in more of my selections on Etsy please see my profile.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

P.S Most pictures are taken directly from the Etsy website!

5 First Steps Towards a Zero Waste Lifestyle

I am sure by now you have heard the term ¨Zero Waste¨ and we know it can sound daunting and overwhelming. Firstly I would like to explain the concept: it is based on a set of principles focused on waste prevention. Ultimately when waste ends up in landfills, incinerators and the ocean, it emits toxic gases that are detrimental to our environment. So the zero waste concept encourages the redesign of resource lifecycles so that products can be reused, repurposed and kept out of landfills. To give you an idea, plastics instead of being thrown away can be repurposed to build furniture, bricks and things that are more durable and long lasting.

I would like to remind you that the main goal is to simply take baby steps. It is not about perfection but about taking initiatives towards a better future. Here are 5 steps in the right direction that make a very big difference in the amount of waste that we produce.

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism

1-Water Filtration Systems

Investing in some type of water filtration system is essential. You can avoid thousand of plastic bottles ending up in the oceans and landfills. Ultimately it also saves you a great deal of money as you will never have to buy another bottle again.

Hydro Pristine

After lengthy research on under the counter filters, this is the most affordable and efficient one we found. You can spend thousands of dollars on other options but this one delivers perfect water to your home and has proven the test of time. Use code: ECOCOUPLE for your 10% discount

Berkey Portable Water Filter

This is by far one of our most loved systems because you can catch water at the source and filter it or even catch rain water in case of an emergency. The Travel Berkey is super convenient and we are really happy with ours.

2- Water Bottles

We have used quite a few over the years and have our preferences for several different occasions. Some are easier to clean than others, while others the water simply tastes better. So we have included our selection of top 3 water bottle brands.

1- Blue Bottle Love– We always have one in our fridge as well as the gallon one for back up water at home. This bottle makes the water taste the best and is by far my top choice.

2- Yeti – Since having a toddler glass bottles can get a little dangerous so sometimes it is better to have something a little sturdier and being out all day it can be nice and refreshing to have something stay cold for hours.

3- Hydroflask– same same, a really good option a bit cheaper and just as good. I personally love having my cold water when I exit the ocean after a windsurfing session, and the same bottle can be used to keep the water warm so that you can prepare some tea for when it gets cold. Amazing!!

We wrote a useful article on other items in the kitchen that can help you reduce waste on a daily basis Living More Sustainably by Greening your Home

3- Spend Less

This is a very simple concept, do we really need all the things we buy? Stop and think for a moment, is this essential? What will happen to this item down the line? Do I need it or could I maybe borrow it from a friend? Try to stop using single use items, obviously in emergencies we sometimes have to buy things we don’t align with but if you think about it most of the time we really do have a choice and we really need much less than we realise. when it comes to fashion it is nice to have something new sometimes, but it does not have to be ¨New¨ it can be new to you. Swap clothes with friends every once in a while.

4- Bring Your Own Bag

In most stores you can either bring your own bag or ask for boxes at the counter that you can then recycle. We definitely can refuse plastic bags. Also bringing your own tupperware and cutlery set is simple and really effective. There are such nice sets out there you may as well have one in your bag and an extra set in the car. I guarantee you will be saving hundreds if not thousands of plastic spoons, knives and forks ending up in a landfill.

5- Compost

composting is one of the bestways to be zero waste

This can sometimes feel the most difficult. It is true that I personally wanted to compost for years in my head before I actually went ahead and did it. I kept thinking I needed to live on a big piece of land. In actual fact you can compost anywhere and really do nature a favour by doing so. I wish I had started sooner now that I realised how simple it actually is and how much waste I reduce from that simple act. We absolutely found the system that was right for us. The Bokashi saves you from needing to turn and churn and have worms in your compost. This is clean and efficient and can be done form anywhere. For more info read our post ¨Eco friendly Sustainable Gardening Tips¨ or you can head over to our instagram and check ¨Our Garden¨ and watch how we did it.

Thanks for reading and please do pass these tips along to encourage others to be more ¨Zero Waste¨!

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

5 Sustainable Surf Accessories you will love

It is that time…we can purchase sustainable surf accessories for the sports we love. You are never too old or young to start this sport and it brings such happiness and moments of communing with nature! For this reason alone the Hawaiian words “Malama Aina” resonate so much with us! Take care of the land and the land will take care of you- in the same way take care of the ocean and the ocean will take care of you!! It is our mission to inspire this philosophy with every article we write! We as surfers are so blessed to enjoy the ocean and we want to introduce brands to you that help us make conscious choices when purchasing things for the outdoors so we can support the surfer lifestyle in style! Our individual actions support the collective impact. When you support sustainable ethical brands you are shaping a better world for future generations. These are some of our very favourite sustainable surf accessories!

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism.

Wave Tribe

sustainable surf sock made with hemp

Wave Tribe is one of our best finds out there in the ethical surf world! They have incredible products from hemp travel bags to wax made from bees wax to surf leashes made from recycled plastic and the most amazing surfboard sock! They also have a really interesting podcast all about the surf world and there is even an interview with us you can hear it here ¨Leaving the Rat Race for Slow living in Hawai’i¨ an other really cool thing I would like to mention is that they have a guarantee on their leashes, correct me if I am wrong but I don’t know any other surfleas that gives you that type of guarantee. So really it should be a no brainer as to where your next leash comes from. We can both attest myself on my longboard and Iñaki in really big waves our leashes have stood the test of time.

Coala Tree

This is the perfect place for the outdoor enthusiast. We love the hammock as it is the perfect accessory for a family outing surf day. There is nothing better than a nap after an amazing surf session while listening to the ocean in the background while you slumber. Our son loves it too from playing in with his friends to taking some of his most satisfying naps. We also have our eye on the blankets! So wether you are headed to your next surf destination or going skiing this eco minded store has great products and is the type of store we should be supporting. This store ships worldwide.

Anima Womens Surf Style

This surf poncho is an absolute eye catcher. Every time I wear it someone asks me where it is from! This brand is a small brand located in Spain and they are making things with organic cotton, bamboo and most importantly sustainably! Another Surf brand at the very top of our list, support this woman in her endeavours supporting women. We are happy to announce that we are proud ambassadors of this brand! We look forward to seeing you in your poncho on your next surfcation.


These shoes are made from recycled tire soles. They are stylish comfortable and most importantly durable. We really recommend this brand for the beach, as the wear and tear of wet feet and sand can sometimes take down even the best flip flops. These stand the test of time and they have some beautiful colors too. We love our Indosole flip flops.

Kaiona Swim

This new and local Hawaiian brand is another true inspiration and most importantly is a great surf bikini. If you surf as much as I do you probably know what it is like to have a suit that keeps slipping all over the place when you are in the water. This suit sits firmly throughout your whole surf session and is ever so stylish and of course made from regenerated nylon!

Thanks for reading and hope to see you in the water and maybe even share a wave or two.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

If you liked this article check out more of our surf articles ¨Reduce, Reuse, Recycle¨ and ¨Surfer Responsibilities¨

Amazing Organic Superfoods with Just Add Heather

navitas superfoods

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism.

We are so excited to introduce you to our latest collaboration, with our very dear friend Heather from Just Add Heather and Navitas one of our favourite Superfood companies we like to use.

Firstly I would like to emphasise the importance of superfoods in the current world we live in. Keeping our bodies healthy and thriving is of utmost importance right now, here are a few helpful tips to incorporate these foods into your diet and the things they are useful for. If you are interested in more information on raising the Immune System you can also see our post 5 Great Ways to Boost your Immune System. In this video Heather makes an amazing Chocolate Cream Pie recipe for us and a few other helpful recipes and keeps us entertained while teaching us about the power of superfoods.

You can support the Just Add Heather show by subscribing to her youtube channel and watching her awesome live performance shows she does every Sunday eve.

Elderberry Powder: There are many reported benefits of elderberries. Not only are they nutritious, but they may also fight cold and flu symptoms, support heart health and fight inflammation and infections, among other benefits.

Camu Powder : A tart, red berry that grows along riverbanks in the Amazon, Camu naturally contains more vitamin C than any other known food on earth! A single serving oforganic, carefully dried Camu Powder provides 760% daily value of vitamin C—the nutrient that’s universally touted as the most important for immunity. Simply add a teaspoon to any smoothie, blend and go!

Super Food Immunity Blend : This Blend contains nature’s three most abundant sources of naturally occurring vitamin C—camu, orange and acerola cherry—so you can effectively support your immunity.

Superfood Adaptogen Blend : Adaptogens are ancient plants that work with the body’s endocrine system (which regulates our hormones, sleep and mood) to build energy and resiliency. Maca is a super root in peru and contains such vitamins as potassium, iron and manganese and is especially good for men. Reishi known as the “Mushroom of Immortality,” reishi has been used in Chinese and Japanese medicine for over 2,000 years. It helps the body cope with stress. Ashwagandha is commonly referred to as Indian Ginseng. The benefits of this ancient herb include supporting the body’s ability to cope with internal stressors like sleeplessness and fatigue while also promoting a general sense of calm.

Cacao : Cacao is one of the most antioxidant foods we can eat, as well as helping deliver other minerals in the body. It is a great source of magnesium which most of us lack and a good source of Iron and Calcium. It also raises the seratonin levels in the brain even having a reputation of helping against depression.

Cacao Butter : Cacao Butter is also full of antioxidants and it is a great source for omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. It is also wonderful for your skin.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple and Heather

Sustainable Headphones for Kids and Adults

We are so happy to introduce you to these two eco-conscious sustainable headphones. We think it is so important to make the more conscious purchase in all areas of our lives and these are two brands that offer us a great eco-friendly option when it comes to headphones and speakers.

Pogs Sustainable Headphones for Kids

sustainable headphones by Pogs

Pogs are really a great pair of sustainable headphones for kids! We especially love the volume control they have and the way they fit on the little ones heads. Kids can play freely with them while listening to their favourite music or stories. We absolutely love playing stories four our son. It keeps him entertained and it gives him a chance for some down time.

We have even recorded some of our most beloved books and put them on an mp3 for him. I think he likes listening to his parents read his favourite books. The head phones are made of recycled plastics and sustainably. They also have a small port so that siblings or friends can listen to something together as pictured above. We highly recommend you support this small brand that is truly making a mark in children’s headphones.

House of Marley

House of Marley makes headphones that are not only sustainable but sound incredible and their mission is to make their headphones with mother earth as their priority. We are completely aligned with this brand and its mission and highly recommend their products. As avid music lovers we look forward to trying some of their speakers and turntables in the future.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

Great EMF Protection from your Cellphone

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism.

This is a subject that has always been near and dear to my heart. To begin with I would like to remind everyone to a time not too long ago when cell phones did not exist and we still managed to have an amazing social life. Do not get me wrong I do very much appreciate all that the cell phone has brought into our lives but are we addicted? Do you ever take time off? Leave it at home for a few hours a day or in the car when you go to the beach. It has become such an extension of ourselves that we never seem to let it go. So I wanted to urge you to make small adjustments and disconnect from it sometimes. I even created a fun facebook page a few years ago that could probably use a little more love and attention Electronic Free Sundays

Another really important thing to consider is EMF’s and Blue Light….. Did you know that your cell phone emits Electro Magnetic Frequency. This is a type of radiation that our electronic devices emit. Please feel free to google this term and find your own research on the matter. I have found plenty of valuable information out there.

We have come across a brand that has made a cell phone cover to protect you from EMF. After many hours of research on the market this is the brand I have most faith in. We look forward to them stepping up their sustainability aspects but for now I think our own health is most important. I myself have tested the phone cover with a EMF reader and you do see a difference and it does provide EMF protection. I also got the blue light screen protector and have since cracked that screen, kept my actual phone out of harms way and am ordering another.

Safe Sleeve is the name of the brand I have use over the last few months and I am truly happy with my case. I got the one that is removable so I can attach it to a magnet in my car and not use my cell phone while driving. Another very important aspect when safety is concerned. I feel really good about talking hands free when I am on the road.

I would like you to do your own research about EMF’s and the effect they can have. I have done mine and am convinced that small steps to protect ourselves are essential. Another thing I highly recommend is to switch off your WIFI at night and keep your electronic devices out of your bedroom. That way you will get a better nights rest and you can always invest in an old fashioned alarm clock if you are using it for that. If you do need to sleep near your phone another option is to turn it to aeroplane mode when you go to bed.

If you do not have a EMF protector I highly recommend to use headphones or the speaker function on your handheld device.

Thank you for reading and please share any knowledge you may have on the subject as we are always willing and excited to learn new things.

Eco Couple

P.S Don’t forget to leave the phone outside of the room you sleep in, and even better turn off your wifi rooter at night!

5 Amazing Sustainable Conscious Make Up Brands

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism.

Make up is really one of the products we should be paying a good amount of our attention too. For way too long we have been covering our skin, eyes and lips with toxic products to make us look better. Never really stopping to think about what our make up is made of. It is not always easy to find good brands with beautiful pigmentation, that actually work and makes you look good but is also be good for your skin and are made with no artificial ingredients, vegan and as clean as can be. As we age it is ever more so important that we keep our skin hydrated and nourished. These are a few brands that do these things as well as really help you make more responsible, sustainable choices for our make up brands. Please see this post for more Beauty Products.

Dome Beauty

conscious beauty products
We created a brand that solidifies our commitment to make beauty more unifying while maintaining the cleanest and greenest standards

I truly love the colours and quality of the Dome products. From brushes to blushes this brand carries it all and not only that they offer an amazing recycling program. So when you have used up your product you can mail back your container for recycling and a credit to wards your next purchase. It sure does sound appealing because I would like to try and never have to throw plastic away uselessly again if possible. This brand is a step toward a better future and we at eco couple fully support their mission.

Gabriel Cosmetics

Gabriel products offer consumers earth conscious and ethical options to their beauty needs.

Another great brand that also offers two other eco-friendly brands on their platform. This is eco-friendy, cruelty free beautiful make up. I love the pressed powder make up as well as the eyebrow pencil. They have absolutely everything for a clean sleek look. They are committed to sustainable natural beauty and earth-conscious practices that keep our ocean blue, our planet green, and our animals safe. I can honestly say that you can feel good about purchasing any of the brands listed and also fall in love with the quality of the products. They also reward recycling your used items, for every 5 you send back to them they send you a lipstick to show their gratitude. What’s not to love?

Josie Maran Store

I personally have been using Josie Maran for over a decade, and her products have just gotten better with time. My absolute must haves is her Argan Oil and I have carried a all purpose Argan color stick in my bag for as long as I can remember. Wether you need to plump up your cheeks or give your lips a little bit of colour. This has been my go to from the day they first launched it. I love how creamy it is and it feels nourishing on my skin. It is an absolute no brainer and I highly recommend you give it a try.

River Organics

I have tried the highlighter, the blush stick and the bare lip balm and I have to say I really like these products. I also really love the packaging and attention to detail that goes into the sustainability aspect of this product. I really love it when a brand goes the extra mile to create something that is as low waste as possible all the while also giving back by planting trees and supporting the ocean project.

You can also purchase River Organics at Earth Hero in the beauty section and use code: Ecocouple for 10% off

Alima Pure

If powdered make up is your style this is the right place for you. What is great here is they have a really awesome sample kit that you can purchase so you know exactly what shade is right for your skin. Once you have found the right shade for you, you can always replace your make up with refillable compacts. They have a beautiful selection of cream blush and gorgeous eye shadows. Another awesome brand we should be supporting!

So just to remind you that you do not have to compromise on quality for your most beautiful looks!! You can also give back to the planet and support amazing causes next time you shop for make up. Making more sustainable choices, creating less waste and protecting our animal kingdom – really its pretty easy to do wha is right for your skin and our planet. I would love to hear from you and learn about new products. So please feel free to share your experiences.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple

Top 3 Eco-Friendly Sustainable Yoga Brands

Eco Couple uses affiliate links. We promote products we have tried ourselves and truly believe in. If you make a purchase using a link we may receive a commission. Such revenue helps keep this website running.Allows us to keep the content free for readers.This motivates us to stay on our mission of inspiring conscious consumerism.

It always feel great to set yourself up with goals to do yoga or any type of exercise, especially when a new year is starting. Why not make this upcoming year about committing to that time for yourself. Be it yoga, stretching or any type of workout. To help you on your way you can find Iñaki´s free classes on his youtube channel and soon they will also be available on our blog too.

We will always suggest that using what you already have is the most sustainable option, but if you are in need to get some things to help you get motivated on the road to exercising this coming year. These are some amazing sustainable yoga brands that we ourselves use, love and cherish.

Inner Waves Organics

eco-friendly sustainable yoga brands

The importance of wearing organic cotton on my skin when I exercise and sweat is something that I truly value. We are so excited to introduce you to this brand. We partnered up with them to do a photoshoot for their new line and can call ourselves proud ambassadors. Between the two of us we pretty much wear them almost every day. The clothes are really well made, comfortable and fashionable. I also want to mention how well made they are that after washing them over and over again they do not loose their quality. My absolute go to for work out clothes.

Ajna Wellbeing

I myself have always felt guilty when buying a yoga mat because in the end I know how much I use it and how it wears down and then I have to buy another. Which of course is normal if you are practicing on it and working up a sweat. When I found Ajna Wellbeing I was so excited because it is a beautifully made mat but also 100% biodegradable. That really means the world to me. So when we are done and they are worn we will bury them under the ground with our compost and give back to nature what it has let us use! In Hawaiian the term is ¨Malama ‘Aina¨ – By simply taking care and respecting the land, it will sustain life.

Not only do they have these beautiful mats but we also love their bolster and meditation cushions! Each bolster is hand stitched from recycled materials and really inspires one to do your practice at home. We really believe that it is so important to start a meditation practice now more than ever and it does really make a difference if you can be in a comfortable sitting position for longer periods of time.

The Mats are also reversible for two different types of grip and come in several colours. We are so happy with our mats and even more happy that most of Iñakis students that see and feel the mat are buying it too. And we only have been getting good feedback!

Ripple Yogawear

This jumpsuit is so stylish, as well as super comfortable, and perfect for doing inverted poses. Although there are just a few pieces in the organic section of Ripple Yogawear, we are sure that supporting their initiative will inspire more amazing organic options to come in the future. We have already seen their collection grow since we discovered the brand!!! So let’s keep supporting their growth!

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The slouchy capri pants that he is wearing is super soft and another great basic to have in your closet. We basically share them, well I ¨borrow¨ them from Iñaki when we are hanging out at home.

Supporting brands that have organic options is a great way to inspire others to follow suit.

So if we can inspire you to get on your mat this year and build your immune system and support some amazing brands, it is a good start to the year for us.

Happy New Year and Stay healthy.

Sustainably yours,

Eco Couple