Our favorite Eco friendly Stroller

Traveling with a baby is no joke! Most parents know exactly what I am talking about. However you buy your first stroller before you have had these experiences….and then learn about all the annoying non useful things about it when you already own it! Instead of focusing on the strollers we didn’t like we want to focus on our very favourite stroller on the market: The Bumbleride

Anyhow so here we are as a family traveling through airports, on trains and automobiles…. Curving through cold city streets in snowy white Hamburg, to strolling the beaches of Tarifa in the south of Spain or simply taking a walk through Los Angeles…. what do we need to look out for when purchasing a stroller before we can even think about how green it is?

Is it versatile? Does it have small or big wheels? Does it fold up easily? How heavy is it? Is it comfortable for the little one to take his naps in? Will it work when he is a little older? Can I go for a run with it? Does it have storage space? This strollers has all these features as well as being able to get a car seat adapter and drinks holder if you so please.

You never really think about that if you spend some time in a city with cobble streets, your baby might wake up ten times when you try to put him down for a nap… Or you may want to take a stroll on the beach spontaneously and not get stuck in the sand. Or you may want to go to a music festival and take your little one with you! If you are an adventurer and like to be spontaneous all of these factors are important. So we made it a mission to find the most versatile, eco-friendly stroller on the market. It has plenty of storage, a front lock wheel and big tires with great suspension (our first stroller had zero suspension) which means you can take a sleeping baby anywhere! This is a huge plus for us, especially while Iñaki is out searching for the perfect wave.

What we love most, is not only that Bumbleride has created the perfect stroller for us and our adventures, but most importantly they have done it keeping our planet in mind….and that is why we consider the Bumbleride the best stroller on the market today and are absolutely exstatic to be collaborating with them.

Quote from www.bumbleride.com website
A stroller made from recycled milk bottles

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My Breastfeeding experience 🇺🇸

Here my breastfeeding recommendations: ECO COUPLE amazon page (click here)


In lieu of breastfeeding week I wanted to tell my story…. Breastfeeding for me is probably the most amazing thing I have been allowed to experience in this lifetime…. And for those of you that know me I have done a lot.

I know not all mothers get to have the chance but I believe everyone lives what they are supposed to and some things work for some and not for others, I respect that.

I had a horrible pregnancy, not only was I nauseous the whole nine months, I was also confronted with an awful scare by the American Dr’s, I won’t even go into details…. As it was terrifying. What I focus on is the outcome and I was blessed with a perfectly healthy baby and at the end of the day that is all that matters and all that every parent wishes for. That being said after what I consider a traumatic pregnancy and birthing story I have been blessed with the opportunity to breastfeed.

The first few weeks were insane, my breast had grown eight sizes and I think I probably could have fed a dozen babies…. I was engorged on numerous occasions and my highly sensitive nipples were so very raw…. But I had the voice of a friend of mine in the back of my head “hang in there, it will be worth it”…. I remember calling that friend at one point… Crying my eyes out “how long for” I said…. “It’s so hard” ….. Just a few days later all had calmed and my breasts were able to feed my little one.


I cannot begin to describe how beautiful it is to look down at your little baby as he is latched on to your nipple, solely depending on you for his nutrition. The fact that he grows from your breastmilk is such a phenomenon. I have a little “spit up” baby….. So every time he ate… It all came back up again. I was so worried he was not getting enough…. We finally found our way of doing it…. Turns out that he didn’t spit up at night, so I decided to wake up every two hours to feed him and he indeed did grow and become stronger and even cuter. He is now four months old and I still get up every three hours with him at night so he gets good feeds that stay inside him…. My friends say… My God is he not sleeping through the night…. You must be exhausted.

You know what, it’s funny that… I’m not at all… He gives me energy… I am happy, no wait, exstatic…. This is the one time in my life I get to do something so special and I’m already sad he will soon be eating solids. I realize that in the larger scheme of things a few months of dedication is so rewarding… He now looks right at me when he feeds and once in a while pops off the breast and gives me a huge smile. I will live the rest of my days remembering that smile…. Even though parents tell me every day I will forget.

I will breastfeed him only for as long as he likes, and I hear that is different in all children. I’ve spoken to other mothers and I hear of their struggles so I wanted to share atleast what worked for me and maybe it will work for another mother somewhere in the world.

I have days when I produce less milk, be it stress induced or food. For me if I drink a coconut, my milk comes right back. I have found that nuts, cashews, and almonds especially also help.

Avocados are a must on a daily basis and the biggest trick I believe is lots and lots of fluids…. Our bodies have fat stored from pregnancy to feed…. The way to move that fat and access it is by drinking, drinking and drinking. The reason I know this is because I must confess I never was one to drink all those glasses of water that are recommended but I have made an extra effort and it is paying off.

Lastly I want to talk about the feeling of true meaning in life… It is indescribable to be the sole source of another human beings existence…. That this being grew inside of me and has now doubled his birth weight, that he is smiling, and rolling over… That we cuddle and laugh, that we are already growing together, I am beyond grateful and happy to be a mother and I have so much too look forward to…💕

  • UPDATE Almost two years have gone by, and I am still breastfeeding, and to be honest I still feel the same way, by far the most fulfilling responsibility I have ever had. I feel beyond blessed to be able to nurture my little boy in this way, and although I still have not had a singlesnight sleep since the journey began, I would not change it for the world!